Configuring Cross-Tenant Search

Configuring Cross-Tenant Search

Setting Up a Shared Search Tenant

A shared search tenant is a search-only tenant that allows Users to cross-search Works and Collections among multiple different tenants. It holds no works of it’s own, but appears as a regular repository tenant, aggregating the contents of selected tenants for cross-tenant search.

Search Only box should be checked when in the Create A New Repository interface

To configure a tenant as a search-only tenant:

  1. Upon initial creation of the new tenant (“Account”), enter a short name as you would for any new tenant.

  2. Check the Search Only box; this is not easily edited if you forgot, so be sure to do it upon creation.

  3. Enter the name of at least one tenant to be included in the “Full Account” form. This is a drop down and will provide a list of all available tenants.

  4. Select “Add Account To Search” link to add additional tenants to the cross-tenant search.

  5. Save.

Searches from this tenant will now yield results from any tenants added here. Tenants can be added or removed from the search by going to Account > Edit for your new search-only tenant (as you would edit any tenant info) where you will find an editable “Accounts To Search” list.

The list of accounts to search within a search-only tenant, with the ability to remove them.

The search-only tenant has the look and feel of a regular repository tenant, including the ability to make theming and UI changes. However, works and collections cannot be added or edited; this can only be done at the source tenant.

Currently viewing a work takes the user to the source show page for that work, and moves them into the ecosystem of the source repository. Using navigation features to get to Homepage or Dashboard from here will take you to that tenant. The browser’s “Back” button must be used to return to the search-only tenant.


The Hyku YouTube channel has a useful demo video of this process. Click here to view the cross-tenant search demo.

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