Super Administrator's Guide

Super Administrator's Guide

A Super Admin User is the highest level of admin and has proprietor-level control of the entire Hyku instance. In addition to all the functions of Repository Administrators, Super Admin can log into every tenant in the instance. For more information see the Create Super Admin User documentation.

Manage Users Across the Entire Hyku Instance

Start by navigating to your Hyku administrative home page and clicking Administrator login; this is not the homepage for a specific repository, but the Super Admin-level homepage. Depending on your configuration, this page may display all tenants with a logo for each, or not (like the version pictured). 

Hyku super admin home page, with Users showing as a link in the Header.

Once logged in, you can click “Users” in the header to navigate to the Manage Users page. This page lists all of your Users in the entire repository and relevant information on their account - name, email address, and editing privileges.

Display table of application Users including email, name, and Manage, Edit, and Delete options.

Create Users

Click “Create New” to add a new User. This form only requires you to add the new User’s email address and password, all other fields are optional. This screen allows you to set up various admin privileges, including a checkbox for Super User. These settings can also be edited later.

User Management “Actions”

Under the user table you can Manage, Edit, or Remove users including their Admin and Super Admin privileges

  • Manage - Allows a super admin to make another user a super admin; or to revoke that status

  • Edit - Allows a super admin to edit specific information about a user (Display Name, Title, etc.)

  • Delete - Permanently deletes a user from the application.

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