Upgrading Avalon 7.8 to Avalon 8.0

Upgrading Avalon 7.8 to Avalon 8.0


Ruby 3.3+ and Node.js 20 are recommended.

Config changes

  • Solr 6 configuration files removed
    Ensure solr has been upgraded to solr 9 (see instructions included in Avalon 7.6 → 7.7 upgrade notes)

  • dropbox.sharepoint (options) - settings to enable sharepoint integration in dropbox modal
    See [Sharepoint Dropbox] for details about setting it up.

  • ffprobe (optional) - path to ffprobe executable on Avalon server (defaults to ffprobe)


Restarting export or migrations in case of errors

If you run into issues when running the Fedora 4 export, it can be resumed by re-running the export with a couple different flags: repositoryRoot and resourcesFile instead of resource. You will have to find the remaining_*.log file that matches that last failing run of the exporter.

jdk-21/bin/java -jar fcrepo-import-export-1.2.0.jar -b --dir fcrepo4.7.5_export --user fedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin --mode export --repositoryRoot http://fedora:8080/fedora/rest --resourcesFile remaining_TIMESTAMP.log --binaries --membership --auditLog > importexport_`date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S`.log 2>&1

The same approach can be used for the migrations by passing in --resource-info-file and the matching remaining_*.log file.

Checking that export and migration are complete

If the export ran to completion (log file should include (Exporter) Export complete) and there isn’t a remaining_*.log file then the export should be complete.

Upgrade Steps

For Manual Installations

Pre-upgrade steps

  1. Ensure section_list migration has been run (See Upgrading Avalon 7.7 to Avalon 7.8 | MediaObject Section List Migration)

  2. Export Fedora 4 repository and migrate it to Fedora 6 OCFL

    cd /tmp mkdir fc4_to_fc6 cd fc4_to_fc6 # Setup Java 21+ (if needed) curl -O -L https://download.java.net/java/GA/jdk21/fd2272bbf8e04c3dbaee13770090416c/35/GPL/openjdk-21_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz tar xvzf openjdk-21_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz # Download specific version of import/export tool curl -O -L https://github.com/fcrepo-exts/fcrepo-import-export/releases/download/fcrepo-import-export-1.2.0/fcrepo-import-export-1.2.0.jar # Export from fedora 4 jdk-21/bin/java -jar fcrepo-import-export-1.2.0.jar -b --dir fcrepo4.7.5_export --user fedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin --mode export --resource http://fedora:8080/fedora/rest --binaries --membership --auditLog > importexport_`date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S`.log 2>&1 # Download specific build of upgrade-utils curl -O -L https://github.com/avalonmediasystem/fcrepo-upgrade-utils/releases/download/6.3.0-AVALON/fcrepo-upgrade-utils-6.3.0-AVALON.jar # Run migration Fedora 4 -> Fedora 5 (inside container again) jdk-21/bin/java -jar fcrepo-upgrade-utils-6.3.0-AVALON.jar --input-dir fcrepo4.7.5_export --output-dir fcrepo5_export --source-version 4.7.5 --target-version 5+ > upgrade_5_`date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S`.log 2>&1 # Run migration Fedora 5 -> Fedora 6 jdk-21/bin/java --add-opens java.base/java.util.concurrent=ALL-UNNAMED -jar fcrepo-upgrade-utils-6.3.0-AVALON.jar --input-dir fcrepo5_export --output-dir fcrepo6_export --source-version 5+ --target-version 6+ --base-uri http://fedora:8080/fedora/rest > upgrade_6_`date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S`.log 2>&1
  3. Setup Fedora 6 (See Deployment - Fedora 6.x Documentation - LYRASIS Wiki )

  4. Copy migrated Fedora 6 OCFL directory to fcrepo.home and restart Fedora

Upgrade steps

  1. Install ruby 3.3.x (if needed)

  2. Update gems, and migrate DB

    bundle install --with production --without development test RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate
  3. Install node.js 20.x (if needed)

  4. Update JS dependencies

  5. Update configuration, see Config changes above

  6. Generate credentials (if needed)

  7. Restart passenger (if using)


For Docker Installations

Before upgrading an AWS docker install based on avalon-terraform or the aws_min branch of avalon-docker make a backup of your supplemental files prior to destroying the avalon container!

Then load them into an S3 bucket:

See Investigate Supplemental File Storage · Issue #77 · avalonmediasystem/avalon-docker for more discussion on this. If you run into any problems, please reach out on slack or the email list.

Pre-upgrade steps

  1. Ensure section_list migration has been run (See Upgrading Avalon 7.7 to Avalon 7.8 | MediaObject Section List Migration)

  2. Export Fedora 4 repository and migrate it to Fedora 6 OCFL (inside avalon container)

  3. Copy migrated data out into new fedora_data directory (outside avalon container)

Upgrade steps

  1. Stop Avalon

  2. Update new code from avalon-docker

  3. Pull new images

  4. Setup fedora 6 cache database

  5. Check config changes then restart the Avalon containers

You can also build your own image, Docker Buildkit is recommended


For Terraform installations