Upgrading Avalon 6.4 to Avalon 6.5

See the Avalon 6.5 Release Notes for more information.


Avalon 6.5 and above requires Ruby 2.4 or newer. If you're using RVM, simply run

rvm list # Get current ruby version, eg 2.2.1
rvm upgrade 2.2.1 2.4.6 # Installs Ruby 2.4.6 and migrate gemsets, wrappers, aliases and environment files

Upgrade Steps

For Manual Installations

  1. Download and deploy new code from the avalon repository.
  2. Upgrade to bundler 2, update gems, and DB
gem install bundler
bundle install
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate

3. Install yarn and update JS dependencies

curl --silent --location https://dl.yarnpkg.com/rpm/yarn.repo | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo
sudo yum install nodejs # Tested with Node.js version 10
sudo yum install yarn
yarn install # in Avalon root dir

4. Restart passenger (if using)

passenger-config restart-app

5. Upgrade Redis and Restart Resque (background jobs processor)

sudo yum upgrade redis  # Version 3.0+
sudo service redis restart
pkill -f resque
RAILS_ENV=production BACKGROUND=yes bundle exec rake resque:scheduler
RAILS_ENV=production BACKGROUND=yes QUEUE=* bundle exec rake resque:work

6. Upgrade ffmpeg (version 4+). You can either download a prebuilt binary

mkdir -p /tmp/ffmpeg && cd /tmp/ffmpeg
curl https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/releases/ffmpeg-release-amd64-static.tar.xz | tar xJ
sudo cp `find . -type f -executable` /usr/bin

Or use https://github.com/jrottenberg/ffmpeg to build ffmpeg and then copy it to your machine.  Be sure to update the ffmpeg path in config/settings.yml to match where it was installed.

7. Disable Matterhorn HLS prechunking (if not already) by commenting out the HLS directory in etc/config.properties.

# org.opencastproject.hls.directory=../public

Then restart Matterhorn 

sudo service matterhorn restart

This takes the HLS distribution module offline causing Matterhorn to appear in an error state on the about page.  This does not indicate a real problem but you can optionally choose to fix it by manually deleting the module from the Matterhorn database. 

delete from mh_service_registration where service_type = 'org.opencastproject.distribution.hls';

Note that if you do this you should also remove the HLS distribution steps from the avalon workflows in /usr/local/matterhorn/etc/workflows.

8. Update encoding profiles

wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/avalonmediasystem/avalon-felix/e36aad51ee4a62795504f7a9e176e5f0ca7644b8/etc/encoding/avalon.properties -O /usr/local/matterhorn/etc/encoding/avalon.properties

More information about changes to the default encoding profile can be found in the avalon-felix repository.

9. Setup nginx streaming if you had been previously depending on the rails server to serve the HLS content.

10. Run waveform backfill script

This script will kick off many background jobs to generate waveform data for existing content for use with the new structural metadata editor.  (New content will have waveforms generated as part of the ingest process.)  If you have a lot of files ingested into Avalon the background jobs may take a very long time to run.  See Waveform Backfill Script for more information.

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails r script/waveform_backfill.rb

11. Turn on the timeliner in settings.yml:

  timeliner_url: https://<hostname>/timeliner

For Docker Installations

Update new code from avalon-docker

git checkout master
git pull

Rebuild and replace Avalon container. 

docker-compose build --no-cache avalon
docker-compose stop avalon
docker-compose up avalon