Contribute your institution's information to the Roadmaps Alignment document and help us identify needed features and collaboration opportunities

Scope & Objectives

The Roadmaps Alignment Group (formerly called "Samvera Roadmap Council") works to identify conflicts and areas of alignment between the roadmaps of the Core Components Owners, Hyrax, Hyku, and Avalon. This group works in consultation with the Metadata Interest Group, the Repository Management Interest Group, and Samvera Service Providers. The Group identifies cross-project development opportunities, helps to arrange maintenance sprints, and coordinates communication to the Samvera Community about these activities.  This group is chartered per the Governance Recommendations adopted by the Samvera Partners in April 2018.  

Meeting Information

Roadmaps Alignment Group meets biweekly on Tuesdays at 11AM CST

Slack: #roadmap-alignment

Chartered: October 2018

Facilitator: rotating

Connection Information

Meeting Notes

Please see the Meeting Notes and Agendas


In order to facilitate communication with various entities within the Samvera community, the Group includes the following Community Roles:

The current membership of the Roadmap Council is:

The Group itself and/or the Samvera Steering Group may recommend adjustments to the membership to reflect changes in the community.

Samvera White Paper

What We're Working On