Moderator(s): Nora Zimmerman, Anna Goslen
Notetaker: Gretchen Gueguen
Community Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UZpWGiW0rQ7s9XuGlmP-QTyL_Uj419SlCDNJRxBznVo/edit?usp=sharing
- Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
- Ryan Wick (Oregon State University)
- Cara Key (Oregon State University)
- Nora Egloff (Lafayette College)
- John Huck (University of Alberta/Geo Predicates WG)
- Daniel Lovins (Yale University)
- Rebecca Pattillo (University of Louisville)
- Anna Goslen (UNC-Chapel Hill)
- Gretchen Gueguen (PALCI)
- Maggie Zhao(Yale University)
- Annamarie Klose (Ohio State University)
- Subgroup Reports
- URI Selection Working Group
- No updates
- Geo Predicates Working Group
- Firmed up timeline for wrapping up project
- Next meeting on 3/23, which will be date for delivery of draft of recommendations for review
- Some review after that
- Controlled Vocabularies Decision Tree Working Group
- Started meeting and have a wiki with meeting notes
- Have started listing use cases for needing CVs and fields needing CVs (generally, not just in Hyrax)
- Will be the start of a decision tree document for the process of looking for and finding a CV. Will be creating a google doc soon.
- Meeting every two weeks starting 3/3
- Hyrax Metadata Application Profile Documentation Review Working Group
- Call for participation 2 week period wrapped up. Have 3 partner representatives, so should be able to go forward.
- Will be finding a time to have first meeting as next step.
- Charter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HkHEOvLSn9xpMQN18sPUBWfBK0gGFx7a0us8Qu4iRjM/edit#
- The DCMI community is undertaking a project to define requirements for application profiles. This might be of interest to this group.
- Issues/Questions
- Continuation of M3 work and maintenance of spec
- Past discussion of whether there should be a standing working group within SMIG
- Could be an opportunity to intersect with the application profile group? Should it fall under that group? Annamarie Klose is interested in doing this.
- There could be cases where references to the M3 work would be really helpful in the documentation
- Annamarie will join Hyrax Metadata Application Profile Documentation Review Working Group to provide this perspective
- Continuation of M3 work and maintenance of spec
- Roadmap Council Update
Not much to update now, but should be more soon
- Topics
- Dublin Core Application Profile project/initiative (new)
- https://github.com/dcmi/dcap
- Prototypes: https://github.com/dcmi/dcap/tree/master/prototypes
- Previous DCMI attempt to create application profile guidelines (2005): https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/application-profile-guidelines/
- This is being reviewed now and probably revised to streamline (in spreadsheet form, etc)
- Virtual Connect is in the process of assembling a committee, is not announced yet
- Solar Vortex (dev congress) -- we might like an update to know how the implementation of Valkyrie/Wings will affect metadata
- Dublin Core Application Profile project/initiative (new)
- Next Call : March 24, 3-4 Eastern