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Wrap Up the vote

Vote passed with 32 cast for, 2 who were for who didn't vote

1 who we don't know much about

ElectionBuddy was very nice for the vote. Recommend it for Steering Elections, too.

Can present as concensus

Process model for future Partner-Level decision making

Define any Loose EndCarolyn
  • gathering Google Docs and putting on Wiki
  • PDF files - history
    • Recommendations
    • First version of rec's
    • Sub-Working Group
    • Context Document
    • Feedback Doc
      • spreadsheet (was that anonymous?)
      • More private but want to share to Steering - share with Steering
  • ElectionBuddy - we need to download and post to Wiki
  Election Help - steering Carolyn and Ryan
  • Evviva volunteers to help
  • Nabeela also offers
  • Maria Whitaker can help
  • When Steering needs help -
    • Tell people to run
    • How they run
    • Early May call for candidates -
      • Who is stepping down/ remaining on

Set voting to take place crossing over a weekend

Layout timeline ahead of time

Delegate ahead of time -

Announce entire time - make announcements

Acknowledgement of work of Steering to this point - encourages folks in the community

AI: Make sure we acknowledge in the vote copy the work of Steering

Exploring Plurality and cumulative voting

Call for candidates

Type of election - (see options above)

By Mid-May we'll know how many seats we need to fill

Draft Call for Candidates - thanking steering -

Assumption that Steering should promote

Evviva/ Nabeela/ Ryan will draft the election -

Call for nominations -

New steering - will determine a vote -

Doodle Poll for new meeting time

Action items

  •  Make sure we acknowledge in the vote copy the work of Steering