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Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm Eastern

Call-In Info: +1 (605) 313-5169, access code 651025 

Moderator:  ruth.k.tillman and Juliet Hardesty

Notetaker: Anna Goslen

Community Notes:


  • Attendees
    • Ruth Tillman, Penn State
    • Anna Goslen, UNC-Chapel Hill
    • Gretchen Gueguen, PALCI
    • Nora Egloff, Lafayette College
    • Julie Hardesty, Indiana University
    • Ryan Johnson, UC San Diego
    • Cara Key, Oregon State University
    • Ryan Wick, Oregon State University
    • Sarah Seymore, University of Oregon
  • Subgroup Reports
    • URI Selection WG
      • No updates from Steering about community vocabulary manager
      • Ryan W.: not aware of any new terms requested
    • Geo Predicates WG
      • No update
    • Machine-readable Metadata Modeling Specification (M3) WG
      • Examples still being worked on. Hyrax example recently merged.
      • IU, others looking at using M3 spec on a current project
      • Jen Young and Julie H. working on an Avalon spec
  • Issues/Questions
  • Roadmap Council update - Jen Youngupdate 
  • Topics
    • samvera/hyrax-metadataists questions
      • #3819 Enable Controlled Vocabulary Support on Collections -
        • Right now controlled vocab for Location field not working for Collection metadata
        • This would need to be in place to use additional CVs on Collections if defined
        • Would not affect metadata of collection members
        • Group thinks this sounds good. Julie H. will update issue.
      • #3889 Collections: you can't add a rights statement to a collection -
        • Some users want to apply Rights Statement to whole collection, others feel statements only appropriate at item-level
        • In Hyrax, Rights Statement at collection level would not affect collection members as currently configured
        • What is the benefit of applying RS to a collection? Sharing of collection records as guidance for rights but not to be taken in place of any item-level rights statement.
        • Why License but not Rights Statement on collections?
        • Potential for confusion and conflicts between collection metadata and item metadata.
        • Have it as a default option, but not required. Could be removed locally.
        • Consensus: add Rights Statement as field available for collections to use but should not be required.
      • Source field also not on Collections
      • - group to join if you want to get email notifications when metadataists are tagged
    • SMIG Meeting facilitators
      • Anna G. and Nora E. will be starting as co-facilitators at Samvera Connect in-person meeting
    • Next meeting Tuesday, September 24, 3-4pm Eastern