Versions Compared


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Connection Info:
9-10am EST
via Google Hangouts:

Notetaker: Nora E. 

Nora Egloff
Julie Hardesty
Annamarie Klose
Emily Ping O'Brien
Emily Stenberg


-take a look at 3.0 branch PR for the Knowledge Base MAP pages
    *begin writing up an explanation and link to the expanded info in the Google sheet in the top paragraph of the MAP page, and then create Teamwork on making changes to the Knowledge Base MAP Metadata Application Profile page
     *earlier this week Julie opened up issue #415 on outlining how we plan to make update the pages underlying the jekyll site 
     *would involve making a branch and folder for v3.0 with a new .md file and making changes to the sidebar .yml
     *we will see if anyone in the community responds to the issue with feedback about this strategy and our work; if no one responds by the next WG meeting, Julie will commit the branch 

-Team came up with some language to add to the introductory paragraph on that page; Julie took notes in the (uncommitted) branch
      *add link to the expanded Google sheet v3.0 MAP in the intro paragraph, and add links to the appropriate tabs in the sheet for each section
-systematic review of KB metadata and MAP pages, drafting new language 
-Next steps:
-(Core, Basic, Namespaces)
      *update embedded, markdown tables to include changes/additions to the MAP, using the v3.0 MAP sheet as reference
      *add note to the effect that the fields are listed in the order they appear out-of-the-box in the form

-Return CC license issue discussion (see hyrax issue #810)
      *all are in agreement that CC licenses should be upgraded to include v4.0. 
      *some members voiced the opinion that, from a metadata migration perspective (i.e. migrating existing records into a Hyrax application instance), it would probably be best that out of the box Hyrax include all legacy CC licenses in order to not force changes 
      *since this keeps coming up, this will be added as a topic to the next SMIG agenda in order to gather additional thoughts from community metadata folks 

-Discussion about ordering of fields in the MAP, and about which columns to include on the pared-down version of the MAP on the Knowledge Base 
      *Emily O.: Do we want to change the order to match what appears on the form? (consensus: yes)
      *are there other ways that we could modify the ordering?
            →Separate out the MUST fields and put them at the top
            →Indicate that something (e.g. rights_note) is new to Hyrax v3.0
       *only the first 5 columns in the embedded, markdown MAP on the KB page will be there in the updated v3.0 version
            →Property (Field) | Predicate | Rdf-vocab Predicate | Recommendation | Expected Value (Data Type)           
            →viewers will be able to click on a link to the expanded sheet version of the MAP in order to see full information for each section

-Next steps:
     *make final "locked" version of the sheet MAP; determine how we want to handle versioning of this document, vis-à-vis the KB MAP page, going forward.  
      *pending input from the community, commit the branch for KB updates and finalize them
      *continue discussion of field ordering decisions in the MAP 

-Set next meeting time
    *next meeting will be Wednesday 5/20, from 9-10am EST - does that work for folks? EST