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Samvera Connect 2022 design with connected dotsImage RemovedUniversity of Notre Dame | 24th -27th October 2022
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Please join us to learn, share, and connect with the Samvera Community!

Learn more and register

Calls for Proposals are open – present at Samvera Connect 2022!

Apply for a conference scholarship

General Conference Schedule

Monday, 24th October: 9am start, plenary sessions, conference poster reception

Tuesday, 25th October: Conference sessions

Wednesday, 26th October: Unconference sessions and Partner Meeting in the morning, workshops in the afternoon

Thursday, 27th October: Developers Congress – work with others in the community to select and work together on Community code and documentation projects. All are welcome to attend.

What is Samvera Connect?

Samvera Connect (hashtag #samvera2022) is a chance for the Samvera Community to gather in one place at one time, with an emphasis on synchronizing efforts, technical development, plans, and community links. The meeting program is aimed at existing users, managers and developers and at new folks who may be just "kicking the tires" on Samvera and who want to know more. Samvera advertises this yearly conference with the slogan "as a Samvera Partner or user, if you can only make it to one Samvera meeting this academic year,  this is the one to attend! "

¿Qué es Samvera Connect?

Samvera Connect (#samvera2022 en Twitter) es una oportunidad para todos aquellos que participan en el Proyecto Samvera de reunirse y sincronizar nuestros planes de desarrollo y trabajo técnico, asi como establecer enlaces con el resto de la comunidad.

La agenda durante esta reunión incluye temas de interés tanto para instituciones que ya usan Samvera y están familiarizados con la tecnología, como para aquellos que apenas lo están evaluando y desean conocer más acerca del proyecto, la gente que lo usa, y los programadores involucrados en su desarrollo. Samvera patrocina esta conferencia anual con el eslogan "no importa si eres un usuario nuevo o alguien que ya contribuye al Proyecto Samvera , si so solo vas atender una conferencia este año   ¡Samvera Connect es la que debes atender!  "


Conference Information

  • Conference Scholarships

  • Partner Meeting, October 26th – details to come

  • Developers Congress, October 27th – details to come

  • COVID-19 Health and SafetyLocation, Travel, and Lodging Details
    – TBD
  • Volunteer sign-up – TBD

  • Mentorship
    • – TBD