2023-02-08 Developer Onboarding Working Group Agenda and notes


Feb 8, 2023


  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Kait Sewell -regrets

  • @Kiah Stroud

  • @Juliet Hardesty


Finalize Phase 2

Discuss next phase

 Discussion topics





Review and discuss

Discuss any final steps for the completion of Phase 2.

  • After Dev Congress, clean up Github wiki pages that are no longer useful from Running Hyrax documentation list

  • Have we asked for / received any feedback?

Next steps for pattern and practice guidance

Plan Phase 3

  • What should we focus on next?

  • Any lessons learned / adjustments we should make to our process?

Related documents




Other items

Hyrax SUPPORT.md file

Samvera knowledge base (https://samvera.github.io/)

  • Not being actively managed

  • Not the easiest to make updates to (Jekyll site)

  • Has metadata information that doesn’t exist anywhere else

  • Should this be our next phase?

  • Next steps

    • We think we should either completely embrace or this site (maintain it more), or abandon it (extract relevant info to other locations)

    • Need to poll the community for:

      • Who uses this?

      • What do they use if for?

      • Does anyone actively maintain this?

    • Could possibly update various pages to say “this is outdated, look here instead”

Phase 2 finalization

  • This is officially done!

 Action items

Ask Metadata IG if they use https://samvera.github.io/ - @Juliet Hardesty
After asking the Metadata IG, bring it up in the tech call, tech channels, etc.
Update SUPPORT.md - @Heather Greer Klein
