Time:12:00PM PST/03:00PM EST - 01:00PM PST/04:00PM EST
Zoom: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/7739591625
- James Griffin (Princeton University Library)
- Randall Floyd (Indiana University)
- Collin Brittle (Emory University)
- GitHub Board Review Column
- Updates from the Solar Vortex Samvera Dev. Congress
- Removing "test_files" from gemspec - https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/pull/4239 (Jeremy)
- Jeremy has a conflict and cannot attend but would appreciate CWG's review of the PR and its extensive commit message.
- Request for any new repository promotions
- James has been seeing some activity on the following samvera-labs repositories:
- Should James reach out and contact contributors to see about status and any interest in promotion?
- Scheduling a Component Maintenance WG Sprint
- This would be one week in duration
- James has created a Doodle Poll: https://doodle.com/poll/m7yntfbz694zgrcs
- In the past, these have been for entire weeks
- Doodle does not give me the ability to offer entire week ranges:
- 03/23 - 03/27
- 03/30 - 04/03
- 04/06 - 04/10
- 04/13 - 04/17
- Intention is to try and get one sprint completed before Virtual Connect 2020
- James need to follow up on Rails 6 support for components
- Solar Vortex
- Most of this work did not require intervention or assistance for the work there
- Not much will need to be done moving ahead
- Hyrax PR offered by Friesen
- James will remove the test_files attribute from the gemspec files for the affected core components on GitHub
- This will include for a patch release for each one of these changes
- Having the PR in for each of those Gems, and then when the owner is ready for a release, this will get pulled into the release
- Randall volunteered to assist with this
- James will create the list, and divide up the work from this (individual issues will be created on each repository)
- Promotion
- Watching for candidates
- Precedent was set iiif_manifest promotion
- Regardless of what this group would consider a core component, James would like to continue watching for potential future core components
- Where there is interest and a need, facilitate with the promotion process
- Call for New Members
- James will look to contact some interested parties and post to the mailing list
Meeting adjourned at 15:25 EST
, multiple selections available,