Time:12:00PM PST/03:00PM EST - 01:00PM PST/04:00PM EST
Zoom: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/7739591625
- Collin Brittle (Emory University)
- James Griffin (Princeton University Library)
- GitHub Board Review Column
- James has been progressing with the Ruby 2.7 updates
- James enquired about looking to serve as the Roadmap Council Representative
- Criteria for Promotion
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Qpn5YN-iWWsgWn7zImn6aKqNiyuFZM1fjwRXt3e8PBc/edit#heading=h.u0ruhmanuszz
- We need to address updating these now that Core Components can be CircleCI Orbs
- Review these and update them accordingly for CircleCI Orbs and static websites
- For example: https://github.com/samvera/samvera.github.io
- James can offer some updates on the criteria to ensure that CircleCI Orbs and GitHub static content can be updated
- Meeting adjourned at 12:14 PST/15:14 EST