Meeting Notes: July 28, 2016


if I missed anyone - please let me know 

Discussion Topics


  • Meetings: We will meet monthly. Generally the last Thursday of the month @ 9am PST / 12pm EST via zoom. Announcements will be made in the group and slack channel(s).
  • Note taking: Aaron Collier will host/record the zoom meeting and take notes.
  • Slack Channel: #dspace-migration-ig is under the Project Hydra slack team.
  • The interest group is on the schedule for HydraConnect.

Projects of Interest

Project NotesRelevant Links
Mediated Deposit
  • How will the work at Penn State be included? 

Tentative Interest Spreadsheet:

Sprint Commitment Form:

Dspace Features/Issues of interest

  • Identify Priorities
  • What to avoid implementing in Hydra
  • Avoid trap of "rebuilding Dspace on hydra"
Details of a migration & deal breakers 

Usage Stats

  • Migrate?
  • Decouple and maintain continuity?


Sunset of Interest Group

What will constitute "completion" of this group and should we establish a projected timeline for that?