20 August 2015 Geospatial

20 August 2015 Geospatial

Time:  1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific. 

Call-In Info: Dial +1 (641) 715 3660, room 651025#

Moderator: Kim Durante

Notetaker:  Eliot Jordan



  1. Roll Call

  2. Call for Agenda Items

  3. Next Call

    1. Date: Thu 15 October 2015
    2. Moderator: 
    3. Notetaker: 
  4. Announcements: 
    1. Phone number has changed to +1 (641) 715 3660, room 651025#
  5. GIS data modeling WG update (Eliot)
  6. " Geo4LibCamp 2016" 2016 update (Darren)
    1. Strong response from feelers
    2. Purpose is for collaboration, then training
    3. Tentative: Jan 25-29, 30 attendees max, with 3 days (M-W) for main event and 2 days (Th-F) post-conference
    4. Agenda draft
    5. Registration costs, require position statement
    6. Planning next steps