20 April 2017 Hydra Geospatial IG Agenda
20 April 2017 Hydra Geospatial IG Agenda
1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific. Dial +1 (641) 715 3660, room 651025#
- Agenda
- Notetaker: Darren
- Attendees: John, Tom, Eliot, Mara
- Announcements:
- HydraConnect 2017 - Northwestern University, Nov. 6-7
- GIS Data Modeling WG
- Update
- Sunset date in dispute
- GeoWorks name change for Hyrax shift
- GeoConcerns may be used by UCSB
- Next call Tue 4/25
- Hyrax 1.0 is dropping in April
- Move GeoWorks into ProjectHydra organization
- Update
- Possible new WGs
- GeoPredicates WG charter
- Brief discussion on the comments for the draft charter
- Decided on moving to the next step which is a CFP
- John will move the charter to the Wiki and email the CFP
- Georepository/Hyrax WG
- GeoPredicates WG charter