18 June 2015

18 June 2015

Time:  1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific. 

Call-In Info: Dial 1-530-881-1400, room 651025#

Moderator: Darren Hardy

Notetaker:  James R. Griffin III



  1. Roll Call

  2. Call for Agenda Items

  3. Next Call

    1. Date: Thu 20 August 2015
    2. Moderator: Kim Durante
    3. Notetaker: Eliot Jordan
    4. Call Frequency
      1. It was determined that calls should be scheduled on a bi-monthly basis
      2. In response to this, the next call shall take place on 08/20/15
  4. Announcements: Proposals due
    1. Hydra Connect 2015Minneapolis, Sep 21-24, proposals here
      1. The following events related to geospatial data and GIS are specified
        1. GeoBlacklight workshop and/or presentation
        2. PCDM/Hydra modeling (break-out session)
        3. Workshop addressing the management of geospatial metadata
        4. Workshop addressing geocoding services and tools (led by Jack Reed)
    2. DLF 2015, Vancouver BC, Oct 26-28, proposals due June 22
      1. Darren, Kim, and Andrew Battista submitted a proposal for an event addressing GIS metadata
  5. Report from Hydra GIS Data Modeling WG (Eliot Jordan)
    1. Meeting to be held focusing upon the development of physical data models (and accompanying documentation)
      1. Google Hangout on 06/24/15 at 11:00PST/02:00EST
    2. The next meeting shall be held on 07/28/15 at 10:00PST/01:00EST
  6. Report on HydraGeoCamp planning (Darren Hardy)
    1. Location: Stanford
    2. Dates: Jan 26-30 (Mon-Fri)
    3. Attendees: 15-20
    4. Agenda:
      1. Mon: GeoBlacklight hacking (Jack)
      2. Tue: Metadata hacking (Kim)
      3. Wed: Hydra hacking (Darren/Eliot)
      4. Thu: SDI hacking (Darren/Eliot)
      5. Fri: Working prototypes
    5. Parties Potentially Interested in HydraGeoCamp
      1. Outreach and Attendance
        1. Should there be a registration fee, or shall this be undertaken using invitations (similar to the approach used by THATcamp)?
          1. An approach using invitations was identified as best for assessing initial interest in the camp
            1. As observed with the LDCX event, invitations submitted to persons within institutions increase the likelihood of attendance (due to the direct nature of the means of contact)
          2. Darren shall work to address the following tasks
            1. A summary concerning GeoHydraCamp
              1. This shall involve an iteration with those involved in the GIS Interest Group for review
            2. Build a mailing list of interested institutions and submit the "are you interested" e-mails
            3. Begin addressing budgeting based upon the response to these e-mails
            4. Address the preparation of data for the camp activities
        2. Who would be best suited to attend HydraGeoCamp?
          1. For some institutions, a single individual may suffice
          2. In other cases, it may be best to encourage that institutions send multiple individuals involved in various services relating to geospatial data and GIS
            1. e. g. Geospatial metadata analysts, GIS librarians, Hydra or SDI developers, systems administrators...
    6. Deliverables scoped for the event
      1. Deliverables shall likely be tailored specifically to the needs of each institution being represented by person(s) at the camp
      2. Shall there be Vagrant Boxes utilized to structure a virtualized development environment?
        1. James proposed contributing work related to the structuring of a GeoServer Box and related Puppet Manifests for a potential contribution
      3. Will any Hydra-based solutions be suitable for integration into emerging turn-key solutions within the Hydra community?
        1. There was some interest expressed in integrating geospatial data management functionality with the Hydra-in-a-Box project
          1. Referring specifically to Hydra-in-a-Box, it is like to be simply too early a stage in development to determine whether or not any projects emerging from HydraGeoCamp can be integrated into the application or system
  7. ESRI UC 2015 activities?
    1. Eliot, Darren, and Jack Reed shall be attending the event
  8. ALA
    1. John Huck shall be attending
      1. A gathering held by Kim Durante for those attending has been organized