Tuesday, April 7th, 2015


Karen Cariani

Tom Cramer

Richard Green

 Julie Rudder  (apologies)

Jim Tuttle




Review Audiences and Information Needs table

A column was added to the table for "suggested interviewees" and subsequently seeded with a list of possibles.

Review  persona questions

The persona questions were revised and expanded.  Tom added a link to some ArcLight interview questions for comparison: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/hydra/ArcLight+Discovery:+Phase+2

Next steps

Prior to next call, publish "audience and information needs" table (without suggested interviewees) and ask community for suggested volunteers (either themselves or others).  Review responses and finalize list of interviewees before proceeding.

Date of next meeting

Tuesday 21 April, 1600 UK, 1100 ET, 0800 PT