October 12, 2015
October 12, 2015
Proposed Agenda:
- HydraConnect – not a lot of archives talk!
- ArcLight officially paused
- One session on Archives, which featured Chris Awre and Erin Faulder talking about Blacklight implementations of archival data
- Informal archival plotting that included Michigan, Stanford, Penn State – talked loosely about integrating Archivematica, ArchivesSpace, and Hydra
- Catchup on Data Modeling Workshop at SAA Annual Conference
- Reflections? Comments?
- Where do we go next?
- For reference, the action Items I jotted down from this meeting were:
Put together notes and drawings, post to HAIG wiki – CHECK!
Look for opportunities to pull this topic into professional development workshops.
Hydra Archivists is larger than Hydra. How to make that more functionally known? How to contextualize our work outside of Hydra?
Pull together a list of things that are going on and distribute.
Need an effort to diagramming DACS, with leadership from the Chairs of SAA TS-DACS
- Update on this effort at next year’s SAA.
- I'm particularly interested in hearing ideas for:
- A practical project to move us forward around data modeling (diagramming DACS)
- How to bring our efforts (broadly) out of Hydra and into the archives community
- For reference, the action Items I jotted down from this meeting were:
- Somewhat related to SAA events/questions: how best can this Interest Group function moving forward? Is it too informal? Are monthly calls working (and is the timing right)? Are we focused on the topics you all are most interested in?
Mike, Dallas, Max, and Kayla from Michigan; Ben from Penn State
Actual Agenda:
- Talked about rights – DACS, PREMIS, ASpace, rightsstatements.org. How do these all work together?
- Followed up briefly on SAA workshop – where to go with the modeling discussion now. Will work with Maureen and Hillel on a plan for diagramming DACS (as recommended at the workshop).
- Discussed the need for surveying the HA participants to see what they are using, interested in, where this interest group should go.
, multiple selections available,