November 3, 2014
November 3, 2014
Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025
Moderator: Ben Goldman (Penn State)
Notetaker: Erin Faulder (Tufts)
- Ben Goldman, Penn State
- Adam Wead, Penn State
- Mike Giarlo, Penn State
- Erin Faulder, Tufts
- Katherine Lynch, Temple
- Michael Olson, Stanford
- Gary Geisler, Stanford
- Courtney Mumma, Artefactual
- Justin Patterson, Artefactual
- Wendy Hagenmaier, Georgia Tech
- Erik, ?
- Matthew Farrell, Duke
- Dan ?, Northwestern
Agenda with Minutes:
- Roll call and identify notetaker - 5 mins
- Review and Discuss Action Items from HC2 discussion group. - 25 mins
- As near as I can tell, those action items were:
- Centralize future HAWG communications using Hydra-Community google group – CHECK
- Consult with Stanford to see how HAWG can support efforts of ArcLight (formerly BeadL – EAD in Blacklight)
- Overview of the ArcLight draft charter sent through the Hydra-Community list, Michael Olson
- Design process - Gary Geisler
- Who might be interested in ArcLight to be able to commit design resources in some form – simple (interviews at institution) to more involved
- Stanford has set up a mailing list for feedback: arclight-feedback@lists.stanford.edu
- Mike G recommends Michael/Gary email hydra-community requesting input on the process
- HAWG asked that they share documentation as the project develops
- Soliciting examples – Michael Olson
- They will be looking for examples of archival collections in order to understand the variety of content needing to be presented
- Work with Artefactual Systems to develop integration between Hydra and the Format Policy Registry
- Justin gave an overview of FPR – they want to develop a way forward that is more platform-neutral (Islandora is also interested)
- Maybe start using it where Hydra creates access derivatives because it is the most simple (HydraDerivatives gem) – look up via the rest API to look at the rules provided by the FPR to take actions
- Going to start a sprint to do a proof-of-concept to show off
- Action: Justin and Courtney to post something to google group once it gets a proof of concept
- Work on developing specifications for a Hydra API that can support archival collection management integration around the user stories we developed
- User stories have hit a wall, so how can we build from there?
- Mike G – recommends focusing on developing specific examples of this integration rather than the API
- Justin – Rockefeller, Michigan, and MIT interested integrating ArchivesSpace/Archivematica. Michigan may be interested in contributing with development of ArchivesSapce/Archivematica/Hydra integration (not on the call)
- Relation to ArcLight effort, particularly around ASpace front end – maybe bring Ohio State into the discussion about their work on front-end development of ArchivesSpace
- This effort is tabled for now until people are ready to do more development. If members of HAWG hear about outside entities working on development in this area, they are requested to make the rest of the group aware of it. As people do develop, request that people come back to the group with their work.
- Begin sharing institutional needs/action items beyond integration with ArchivesSpace
- Coordinating with Hydra Digital Preservation group – they are more of an interest group? This may be a bit of a mis-match, but there are some clear points of overlap of interest (Archivematica, BitCurator)
- As near as I can tell, those action items were:
- Action Item 5: what does this mean to us? - 25 mins
- Brainstorm: what broader archival concerns can this group help advance within the Hydra community? What issues are important to members? What is the best way for us to structure this broader focus going forward?
- Opportunities for meeting outside of HydraConnect?
- Code4Lib at Portland – Artefactual is proposing a preconference event for archives
- Should there be a MARAC/NEA meeting?
- A way to talk about the same problems despite the platform – a way to help archivists to think about the issues in a more strategic manner
- Opportunities for meeting outside of HydraConnect?
- Brainstorm: what broader archival concerns can this group help advance within the Hydra community? What issues are important to members? What is the best way for us to structure this broader focus going forward?
New business
- Mike G. - Hydra steering group are coming up with a framework for working and interest groups since they are a way the community is coming up with new ideas. When it comes up, HAWG will need to make a choice as to which we type we fall under.
- Wendy – could we develop a tool-kit to help archivists to talk with IT (user stories, requirements gathering, etc)
- Internal-facing to hydra/archivist community – in-reach/education – webinar possibly given from Penn State?
- External-facing – SAA session? Outreach?
Action Items:
- Stanford and Artefactual are going to put what they shared today into writing and share via the Hydra-Community group to garner participation.
- Examine IG/WG framework when it comes out and figure out where we fit in — probably available by December — possible topic for next conversation.
- Penn State will inquire with one of our PMs to gauge her interest in conducting a webinar for the community on user stories.
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