May 2, 2016


  • Ben, PSU
  • Max, Dallas, Bentley
  • Erin, Cornell
  • Bethany Scott, University of Houston
  • Chela, NYU
  • Eira, Cincinatti
  • Wendy, Georgia Tech


  • Bethany
    • in Special Collections, project team for Hydra/Fedora repository; focusing on workflows and ingest utilities; born digital and digitized
    • Implementing Archivematica for digital preservation
    • Processing born-digital
    • Hoping to hear what other people are working on; figuring out how access and preservation systems are working together; issues around persistent ids; versioning; metadata updates
    • Archon–>ArchivesSpace; Archon for public interface; managing digital objects
  • Chela
    • Deep into ASpace migration right now; July deployment; development with HM for more sophisticated location management features
    • Looking at Archivematica to replace digital object publication workflows; will replace plugin for AT
    • Overhaul discovery for archival collections; based on Rock Hall work; keeping an eye on ASpace Public Interface
      • Goal to have unified discovery for books and archives
    • Getting a big strategic plan initiative for digital repositories; use cases; policy needs
  • Erin
    • Starting from scratch! 
      • Looking at collection management system this summer
      • Looking at digital asset management systems
      • Looking at using Archivematica, Fedora and ASpace; also Binder for preservation
  • Wendy
    • Following Fedora/Hydra for awhile; working on transitioning development model. 
    • Moving toward hosted solutions instead of in-house development
    • Looking at Hydra-in-a Box, Archivematica
    • Moving toward ASpace, rolled back to AT to get more barcode/container management in
    • Moving away from DSpace
    • Public facing Digital Archives Lab
  • Anything new from the old familiars?
    • Penn State – ArchiveSphere dead!
  • Discussion:
    • Looking at how things are integrating better? Possibility for a grant?  (Uncomfortable silence...)
    • Good to see how different things shake out first, like Bentley's work or Archivematica Camp
    • Staffing is always an issue with grants. Administration priorities too.
    • In lieu of projects/resources, there's a lot of skill building that can happen in the community to make archivists better partners in these types of projects
      • What software development looks like and how to participate in it. 
      • General support for this idea.
    • Idea: future possibility of Hydra in a Box/Archivematica integration?
    • Where is digital preservation happening in Hydra?
    • Reaching out the digital preservation interest group?
      • Check in on what they are doing...
      • Talk about their PREMIS working group
      • Are there preservation services built into any Hydra/Fedora implementations?
    • What's going on with ArcLight?
      • Michigan had a call with Stanford; they're both interested in revisiting it. 
  • Meeting at SAA:
    • Cincinatti has been writing user stories surrounding what they would need in a Hydra system
      • Doing it all in Trello – would love to show that off
    • Any other user stories?
      • NYU - Pivotal (not just Hydra)
      • Houston
      • Penn State
      • Could do a user story tutorial before diving in
      • Not familiar with any user story training happening at archives
        • Situating user stories within agile development framework
      • Doesn't just have to be for repository development
      • Doesnt just have to be for technical work