February 1, 2016
February 1, 2016
- Ben, Penn State
- Adrienne, Tufts
- Kayla, Bentley, Michigan
- Nathan and Eira, Cincinnati
- Farrell, Duke
- Jarrett, Princeton
- Sarah, Chemical Heritage Foundation
- Karen, WGBH
- Julie, Indiana
- Alexis, Princeton
- Update from attendees:
- Tufts:
- Erin Faulder left, they are re-assessing priorities
- Planning to migration to Fedora 4
- Looking at implementing ASpace, Archivematica
- Chemical Heritage Foundation:
- Just went into production with Hydra
- Archives just one part of a big digital repository
- Wanting to integrate ASpace and Hydra, or at least get EAD into Blacklight
- Cincinatti:
- A number of things coming up this year; starting to look at a Hydra head for digitized collections
- Want to support digital surrogates, born-digital, visual resource
- Awaiting IT infrastructure
- Looking at implementing ASpace and Archivematica; using Archivematica to package content for APTrust
- Unsure of ASpace/Hydra data exchange
- Starting to explore a digital preservation repository Hydra head
- Duke:
- Spun up a second instance of Fedora/Hydra on a protected data network; used to store Board of Trustees minutes with 50 year restriction; raised some issues with full-text index; server they were living on reached end of life
- Developed a better looking interface for digitized content: repository.lib.duke.edu
- Looking at getting identifiers out of Hydra and into ASpace
- Indiana:
- Hydra DAMS 2 – not actually placing media files in Fedora; adding pointers to Fedora instead
- Bringing technical metadata into Fedora as well
- Delivering finding aids via XTF with links to digital objects (METS navigator); would like to do something Hydra with this
- 2d and 3d biological collections
- Michigan:
- Considering Hydra archives head collaboration; looking at developing Hydra head for displaying archival materials
- Continuing to work on workflow integration project; completed getting functionality from ASpace into Archivematica appraisal tab; getting metadata into DSpace
- Looking at using SWORD protocol to get data into the repository
- Looking at how PREMIS rights are implemented in Archivematica; Rights in ASpace PREMIS-ish
- Penn State:
- ArchiveSphere worked paused, undergoing re-assessment
- Repository for cultural heritage objects
- Princeton:
- Hired two new library developers
- Focus likely to be on digitized collections
- Implementing ASpace; looking at metadata requirements
- Working on Hydra DAMS with Indiana; trying to include as much of PCDM as they can; won't be storing files in Fedora, but using to store pointers
- Open Vault moved away from Hydra/Fedora and instead looking at Blacklight with a file store on the backend.
- It was complicated: lack of documentation/staff turnover; lots of processing required; easier to start over
- Moving AMS to Hydra
- Tufts:
- What is the role of HAIG:
- Explore issues that could help advance things locally (e.g. finding aid delivery)
- Free form mode works pretty well, but good to keep monthly meetings to check in with people; good opportunity to identify partners
- Sharing demos, wire frames, use cases with each other; could ask non archivists to talk to us
- Examples?
- Scholar at UC
- Bentley
- Ben Armintor – Columbia
- Examples?
- Does IG work feed back into Power Steering/Steering at all? How does this serve as a vehicle for communicating things to the larger Hydra community? **Ben will check with Karen**
- Are there other IG/WGs doing things we should respond to?
- How is the DPIG related?
- Overlap with Archivematica–>Hydra
- How is the DPIG related?
- Are there other IG/WGs doing things we should respond to?
- Reporting back to hydra-community on what we're doing
- Some areas of interest include:
- ArchivesSpace and Hydra integration (Artefactual, Michigan, Cincinatti, Penn State, Chemical Heritage Foundation)
- Duke, Penn State, Chemical Heritage in production
- Cincinatti, Michigan possibly in production soon
- Princeton taking first steps (focus on accessions and digital objects)
- Tufts looking at it too
- Archivematica and Hydra integration (Artefactual, Cincinatti, Michigan, Penn State)
- Mapping METS to PCDM (Artefactual, Duke)
- Supporting PREMIS in Hydra (Artefactual, Michigan)
- Rights metadata (Artefactual, Michigan)
- EAD/Blacklight
- ArchivesSpace and Hydra integration (Artefactual, Michigan, Cincinatti, Penn State, Chemical Heritage Foundation)
Action Items:
- Check on how IG efforts are fed back into Hydra org
- Come up with list of possible demos for future meetings
- Look into overlap with concerns of digital preservation interest group
, multiple selections available,