Suggestions for topics/projects at the 2012 Hydra Developers Congress
I've added these questions to a Google Moderator page:
Let's vote on what seems most important to cover during the face-to-face meeting time.
-- Bess
- nom datastream – using NOM instead of OM as a datastream's XML terminology wrangler
- Enhancements to AF to make it more ActiveRecordish ( obj.reload(), and associtions.create() for example)
- Try to run rails-admin on active-fedora.
- Extract generic-file gem from scholarsphere (&/| otherwise discuss extractable gems from 'sphere) – Notre Dame and Penn State (and possibly UIUC) are discussing collab development of ScholarSphere, and that could inform this work.
Remove blacklight's dependency on rsolr-ext(done)- Write a config for hydra on Solr 4.0 (&/| update hydra-jetty to Solr 4.0)
- Overview and discussion of the full hotplate
- Getting from OM to next-generation (nom + xx + yy)
- Hydra Solr schema - our dynamic fields need an overhaul
9a. can we trap for Solr indexing errors so there is notification when something doesn't index properly? - Swapping out Rubydora for a component that talks to their DAMS
- ScholarSphere roadmapping (Penn State, ND)
- Make Atrium work for Stanford digital collections sites (test implementation, look at workflow, harden coding, etc.)
- Apply Avalon goodness to existing non-Avalon Hydra heads
- General discussion about making generic gems from Hydra Heads that can be used in other heads (related to extracting gems from Avalon and ScholarSphere)
- Explore adding IIIF Image API support within Hydra – what would this mean, how would we do it, is it a good idea
- Create an FAQ page for how to add permissions to a Fedora object.