Topic List - Developer Congress May 3-6 2021
Topic suggestions for work during the May 2021 Developer Congress. Please follow checklist below for submitting your proposed topic. If your topic has related github issues they can be added to the Developer Congress Project Issue Board. --issue board coming soon
Topic Proposal Checklist
- Short Title
- Description
- Link to Issues, Branches, Documentation, etc.
- Duration, estimate how long the session will last (For example: 3hrs, (2) 8hr days, etc.)
- Proposed By (Samvera Slack Channel Handle)
- Facilitator (Samvera Slack Channel Handle)
Title: Update ActiveFedora to work on Fedora 5.
Description: We have a branch sitting around that almost gets ActiveFedora working with Fedora 5, we could work together to get this passing.
Duration: 6 hrs
Proposed By: name here
Facilitator: Seeking a facilitator.
NOTE: Put this information in the Proposed Topics table below.
Proposed Topics
You can...
- add a topic to the table of proposed topics below (See Topic Proposal Checklist and example above for guidance on proposing a topic.)
- identify yourself as a facilitator for a topic you propose or a topic proposed by others (See Facilitator Guide below.)
- indicate your interest in one or more topics
Title | Description | Links | Time Estimate | Proposed By | Facilitator | Interested in |
Hyrax Valkyrization | Continue work on moving Hyrax to the point where it can be used with Valkyrie adapters. Monday 9am Pacific/noon Eastern - Tuesday 9am Pacific/noon Eastern, with more time as daily check-ins indicate | | Full Time | Lynette Rayle | Lynette Rayle | |
Nested Indexing only when necessary | Nested indexing has a high performance cost. Explore how to determine if changes have occurred in an object that require nested indexing and only do that indexing if needed. Discussion topic for upcoming Samvera Topical Tech Call (May 26 and 27) | 1 hour discussion | Lynette Rayle | |||
Kubernetes Crash Course | Want to deploy a production Samvera Hyrax stack with one command? This is a group session to get bootstrapped with a Kubernetes cluster and a full Hyrax stack. We can work together to iron out any issues folks run into along the way Wednesday 9am Pacific/noon Eastern | 2.5 hours | tamsin johnson | tamsin johnson | Jane Sandberg | |
Data Seeds for Dev | Create data seeds for development environment (Docker builds), the goal is to run the scripts (perhaps parameterized) to generate a default set of data objects. Prepare plan on Tuesday (morning Pacific/afternoon Eastern) | Planning spreadsheet | Juliet Hardesty | Jeremy Friesen | ||
Fedora 6 Valkyrie adaptor | Fedora 6 is in need of beta testing and could also use a Valkyrie adaptor so it can connect to Hyrax. | | Juliet Hardesty | |||
Remove ActionDispatch::MiddlewareStack | Learn about and improve the actor stack in Hyrax by rewiring some of its internal functionality! | | Juliet Hardesty | |||
Deal with deprecation warnings | Fix or suppress very frequent deprecation warnings in Hydra-Access-Controls and ActiveFedora. Thursday 9am Eastern - check Slack for zoom info | | 1-2 hours | Chris Colvard (Deactivated) | Chris Colvard (Deactivated) | |
Hyrax ACL & Authorization Group Whiteboarding | Discussion topic for upcoming Samvera Topical Tech Call (May 26 and 27) | | 1 hour discussion |