
Time: 1PM EST / 12PM CT / 11AM MST / 10AM PTD

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Discussion items





Embargoes in HyraxRachel and Nabeela (U-M)

Michigan is using Embargoes, and it does not work as expected. Duke is not using it. 

There is good documentation on, a suggestion is to add some messaging on the user interface for the buttons like Deactivate.

Question: Where do people look for information? and GitHub issues

Embargo Issues: 

Jane is using leases but not embargoes, it was getting too confusing.

Discoverability subgroup - updates? Next steps? 

Repo-managers discoverability subgroup 

COAR repository toolkit recommendations for repository discoverability 

Nothing new has been happening, in general, people are concerned about discoverability.  

Usage Statistics

Action items

Moira will find out how to add members to @samvera/hyrax-repo-managers