
OverviewRequirementsUI/UX DesignDevelopment SprintsQA Testing and Release


Hyrax 2.1.0 is in the release process.  It will include Collection Extensions work, new Viewer for works, UI/UX upgrades, and other changes.  Master holds the current code targeted for the Hyrax 2.1.0 release. If you are able to help with QA Testing and/or Bug Fixes, please sign up below.

The planned release process is as follows.

  1. Create a PR for merging collections-sprint feature branch into master.
    1. Review process for the PR - self-assign yourself if you would like to be part of the formal review process for the PR.   Please assign yourself by end of business Tuesday, February 6.   See notes below.
    2. On Thursday, I will check in with any reviewers who have not completed their process.
    3. Merge the PR into master.
  2. A quick QA process will run through QA tests on a single platform to quickly identify any initial issues
  3. Set Hyrax version to 2.1.beta1
  4. Full QA testing
  5. Move through release candidate process with bug fixes and repeat testing

Notes on PR review process:


QA Testing

Do you have time available to help with QA Testing? Please join the #nurax channel for coordination. 

Facilitator: jrudder (UNC) 

  1. Harsh Parekh(Notre Dame)
  2. Max Hallwachs (Notre Dame)
  3. Hannah Frost (Stanford)
  4. Nabeela Jaffer (University of Michigan)
  5. Glen Horton (Cincinnati)
  6. Gabriela Montoya (UC San Diego)
  7. saidulla (Indiana University)
  8. Kevin Musiorski (AIC)
  9. Brian McBride (University of Utah)
  10. Moira Downey (Deactivated) (Duke)
  11. Ayse Durmaz (Duke)
  12. Heather Greer Klein (DuraSpace)

Bug Fixes

Facilitator: Lynette Rayle (Cornell)

  1. Justin Gondron (Notre Dame)
  2. LaRita Robinson (Notre Dame)
  3. Jennifer Lindner (DCE)
  4. tamsin johnson (DCE)
  5. Chris Colvard (Deactivated) (Indiana University)
  6. Add your name
  7. Add your name
  8. Add your name
  9. Add your name
  10. Add your name