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Do you have an idea for a presentation or topic for Samvera 2017? Volunteer or add it here, tag the person or people you think would be a good presenter. These are only suggestions, these are not submitted and accepted talks.

For questions, please contact

Audience options: All, Developers, Managers, System Administrators, Metadata, Other (please specify)

Format options: Breakout, Lightning talk, Panel, Plenary, Presentation, Unconference, Workshop

Additionally, Samvera partners will be asked to prepare and bring a poster for a poster session.

Volunteer to Present a Topic

TitleAudienceFormatSuggested byPresenter
Introduction to RSpecDevsWorkshop (half-day)

Using Git and GitHub for managing metadata (no new data models, we promise)

This session is proposed as a two-part workshop:

  • The first will cover a modified version of the ‘Version Control with Git’ Software Carpentry lesson, tailored for a non-developer audience, with more focus on metadata. This is typically taught as a half-day (3 hour) workshop.
  • The second part will focus on the use of Git and GitHub in the context of the metadata workflow.  We will present examples and strategies, taken from recent work by UC Santa Barbara and UC San Diego, of version control, pull requests, and automated hooks and integrations as they relate to moving metadata through a workflow and into our repositories. In addition to these demonstrations, we hope to spend a good percentage of the time available in discussion with other interested institutions and how we might leverage our collective experience to make getting our metadata into our repositories easier, more consistent, and maybe even more fun!

Intro to Git(Hub) Workshop - Anyone new to Git/GitHub

Git/GitHub and Metadata - All (focus on metadata)

Workshop (two half-day)
Upcoming changes in the architecture of Samvera.DevsPresentation
Fedora 4 performance: current status and future worksAllPresentation
Metadata management and batch ingest automation with Git/GitHub, Jenkins, Ansible, and JIRADevs, MetadataPresentation

Fedora project and community update

  • API specification
  • Alternate implementations
  • Semantic versioning
  • Import/export

Extending Fedora: API-X and Import/Export

  • Hands-on with new Fedora extensions and tools
Developers, MetadataWorkshop
So how's your migration going? A Panel Discussion or Breakout Session about migrating apps/content to Hyrax/Fedora 4AllPanel (if others in addition to IU are interested in presenting) or Breakout

Juliet Hardesty, (anyone else who did work or is working on migration? Add your name!) Aaron Collier, Steve Van Tuyl, Josh Gum

Managing Enterprise Samvera Infrastructure: From Chef-Solo to Chef-Server

Devs, DevOps, OpsWorkshop (half-day)
Lessons Learned From 100 ReleasesDevPresentation
Hydra-in-a-Box - Final Project UpdateAllPresentation

Community models and authorities for Hyrax applications

Presentation on a gem for Hyrax models and authorities, which provides a central place for creating models for different types of works. Each new model draws on a central pot of properties to declare the set of properties needed to fully describe the particular work. The gem already exists and has sample models for journal article, thesis and more. In this presentation we will work through the process of defining a new model and then using that model in a Hyrax application. The idea behind the gem is to make it easier for developers to deploy new models, and provide a place for metadata folks to jointly define re-usable models.

Devs, MetadataPresentation

Institution-specific Front-end Implementations of Hyrax

Overview of Hyrax implementations at different institutions showcasing how presentation layers can be extended to fit local needs and use cases.

Repo Managers, UX, DevsPresentation

Chris Diaz & Adam Arling

Chris Diaz & Adam Arling

Dive into Valkyrie

Workshop going over the interface, configuration, patterns, and interaction points for using Valkyrie, a library to enable persisting metadata and files into a variety of different backends with a common interface.

DevsWorkshop (half-day)

Hyrax for Research Data

Deep Blue Data - Michigan's Research Data Repository

So you want to migrate from DSpace/CONTENTdm/Digital Commons/Other to Samvera? We've been there are are here to help guide you through your perilous journey!Devs, Repo ManagersPanel

Aaron Collier, Josh Gum, and others.

Managing Samvera based Projects and Services

90 min workshop: tools and techniques for on-boarding, project management,service management and keeping in line with the community updates


Our Journey from Sufia 7 to Hyrax

The University of Cincinnati recently migrated our Scholar@UC application from Sufia 7.3 to Hyrax 1.0. We will discuss our process and the special circumstances we had to deal with.

Devs, ManagersPresentationUniversity of Cincinnati developers
APIs, Sharing Work, Specifications and Alternative Data Stores: Continuing Several Talks from the 2016 MeetingDevs, ManagersPanel/PresentationA mash-up of Valkyrie, Cavendish, Solution Bundle product owners, and other discontents

How to Write Module-Based JavaScript with RequireJS and the AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) Pattern

Tired of worrying about load order for your script includes? Tired of polluting the global namespace? Want to write more re-usable JavaScript code with discrete modules? Maybe RequireJS / the AMD pattern is right for you! This presentation will go through the construction of a simple RequireJS-based JavaScript app with a few modules. A general familiarity with JavaScript is recommended.

DevsPresentationEric O'HanlonEric O'Hanlon

Collections Extensions and Admin Sets: Flexible approaches to grouping things in the repository

An introduction to the Hyrax 2.0 Collections which include collections extensions, once known as Display Sets.  This implementation adds the ability to define collection types with various settings to meet the many use cases for collections from user collections to exhibits.  We'll also look at how these play nicely with Admin Sets.

Devs, Repo ManagersPresentation + Break out if interestLynette RayleLynette Rayle

Lookup with Context to select metadata values from a controlled vocabulary

Want to move beyond a simple autocomplete field for controlled vocabularies?  Want a more accurate selection process?  We will look at a Hyrax demo app that uses questioning authority to search linked data authorities and extracts multiple predicate values from search results to provide additional context in a lookup table to help with the selection process from a controlled vocabulary.  The presentation will include direct access to OCLC Fast, locally cached access to Library of Congress and GeoNames, as well as others.

Devs, Metadata, UXPresentationLynette RayleLynette Rayle
Lessons Learned from the Collection Extensions development sprintDevsPresentation or Lightening TalkLynette Rayle

Suggest a Topic and Possible Presenter(s)

TitleAudienceFormatSuggested byPossible Presenter(s)
Oh Dear, What Have We Done? Lightning round of local modifications Hyrax institutions have implemented.Other: Hyrax Users and Wannabe UsersLightning Talk?


Accessibility and SamveraAllPresentation or Workshop
Distributed Usability Research Team Retrospective (& Planning?)Devs, UX, Repo managersPanelUXIG members/ repo managers members?
Moving to AWS (possibly also include alternatives to AWS? i.e. Google Cloud/Azure)AllPanelCarolyn Caizzi

Stanford (Hannah Frost); Notre Dame (Don Brower); Northwestern (names forthcoming, possibly Carolyn Caizzi; david.schober; or Michael Klein)

Documenting our Metadata Application Profiles (MAPS) Before Migration

As the Samvera Community prepares for migration, can we get a handle on the metadata we have and what we share with the community? Let's sit down together to document what we're saying about our objects, how we're expressing it and learn from others' ideas. Bring your weird and wild worst practices, build together toward better practices.

Session goals would be: to provide a place to sit down and do the work together, talk about similarities or differences, and provide some context for what we do or don't want our MAPS to look like as we migrate to a new system.

Metadataists/members of the Samvera Metadata IG (not the official IG meeting though)Breakout working session, maybe 2 hours?

ruth.k.tillman & Juliet Hardesty

Metadata community

How are people using workflows and Admin Sets in production Hyrax systems?AllPresentation, panel?jrudder

In production or migrating to Hyrax. Aaron Collier, Steve Van Tuyl ??

Developing plugins for HyraxDevPresentation or WorkshopBrian McBride
Collections as Data - what does this look like in (or in relation to) a Samvera repository?AllBreakout

Hannah Frost, Kate Lynch, others please!

Looking to migrate to Samvera?potential migrators from bepress, but also from elsewhereworkshop
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