2023-08-09 Developer Onboarding Working Group Agenda and notes


Aug 9, 2023


  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Kait Sewell(regrets)

  • @Kiah Stroud

  • @Juliet Hardesty


Phase 3 task breakdown / delegation

 Discussion topics





Review and discuss

Next steps for pattern and practice guidance

  • Interim plan until Connect

    • Continue to scaffold the new Confluence kb in the same structure as the old kb

      • Create empty pages in the same structure as the old kb so each pages' content can easily be brought over in a 1-to-1 fashion

    • Start bringing over content from old kb page-by-page

      • If possible, swarm on this task with folks at the Dev Congress

  • Will touch base next in late September

  • Will touch base again after Connect in early November

Related documents



Other items


 Action items

Continue to scaffold the new Confluence kb in the same structure as the old kb
Start bringing over content from old kb page-by-page


  1. Designating an interim facilitator is not necessary