Metadata Call 2023-01-24

Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Eastern

Call-In Info:


Community Notes:



Moderator(s): Annamarie K.

Notetaker: Heather G. K.



  • @Annamarie Klose (Ohio State University)

  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)

  •  @Chrissy Rissmeyer (she/her) (UC Santa Barbara)

  • @Nora Zimmerman (Lafayette College)

  • Margaret Kibi (UC Santa Barbara)

  • Cara Key (Oregon State University)

  • Chris Day

  • Sarah Beth Seymour (U of Oregon)

  • @Jeremy Friesen(SoftServ)

  • tasmin johnson (UC Santa Barbara)

  • @Amanda Hurford (PALNI)

  • Tom Brittnacher (UC Santa Barbara)

  • Kelly Revak (UC San Diego)

  • Shana Moore (SoftServ)

  • Meredith Hale (University of Tennessee)



  • Welcome - Feel free to list yourself as a member on wiki ( )

  • Still looking for a co-facilitator

  • Roadmaps Alignment Group Update (Julie Hardesty)

    • Discussed interest from AWS in creating reference architectures – this will be taken up by a proposed WG. 

    • Developers Congress has work happening to clear out Hyrax issues from GitHub - some are metadata-related. Not closing, just commenting on the status. We will review these in the next meeting.

    • Nurax (nurax-dev and nurax-pg) sites are in the process of being moved to a new Samvera-based URL. DCE will no longer be maintaining these. 

  • Wiki housekeeping - Other subgroups

    • URI Selection Working Group - Last met in 2018? Status not listed.

    • Samvera Applied Linked Data Interest Group - Last met in 2017? “Status unclear”

    • Descriptive Metadata Working Group -  Last met in 2016/2017?

    • Will talk about these another time.

  • Demo updates with Superskunk and Project Surfliner (Margaret Kibi and Chrissy Rissmeyer)

    • Comet demo recorded (YouTube link):

    • Related information:

      • Samvera M3 Working Group  ()

      • Houndstooth ()

  • Follow-up on points from prior meeting:

    • OAI group - Annamarie, Nora, Amanda, and Meredith are interested in forming. Anna K. will set up a charter and group page.

    • Should we have a crossover meeting with Repository Managers IG regarding Bulkrax? Sarah & Cara mentioned working with Bulkrax for a migration. There is a bulkrax Interest Group, with a meeting today. Anna K. will look into a demo. Repository Managers IG is not meeting currently.

  • GitHub issues:

    • - Add more sort options to search results page. This was created and commented on in 2019. Labeled as an enhancement. It seems to relate to metadata as well.

      • Julie - It would be helpful to know that this is valuable to Ohio State via a comment on the issue. This can help this move into a future Development Congress or similar. Another attendee agreed that is was useful for their institution as well.

  • Open Discussion

    • Ordering values in Samvera: RDF does not allow for ordering values a specific way in metadata. However, ordering is an important consideration for some fields, e.g. creator. Jeremy shared there is a Samvera Labs gem order_already ( ) that allows for ordering values. However, he explained some nuances about how the gem is implemented, i.e. ordering for user display as opposed to the metadata itself.

    • Hyku for Repositories is working with SoftServ on metadata-related issues for Hyku. Amanda will keep this group updated. 


Next meeting: February 28, 2023, 2-3pm EST