- Chris Awre (Facilitator)
- Karen Cariani
- Richard Green
Nabeela Jaffer(apologies)Alicia Morris(apologies)
- Previous meeting channel has expired - use Slack Marketing Group Channel in future
- Notes form previous meeting
- See the Google doc for updates
- Steering do not want to ask Lyrasis about using their marketing services whilst the future of our fiscal sponsorship relationship is under review. Might prejudice discussions.
- CA has put a proposal in for an 'AUL' workshop at Connect. It might be useful if this immediately followed the 'Newcomers' workshop: some might usefully attend both. Need to advertise it beyond the traditional Samvera lists. KC will offer some additional lists applicable to cultural heritage folks.
- IMLS National Leadership Grant is being pursued by the Fundraising Team. Our input would be for the long proposal if the initial two-side description is followed up.
- Steering authorized work on the website and this has been done. They ask that we check with them before spending from the notional marketing budget. CA has made some suggestions for items to link from the vision statement. RG to implement and ALL to try them out before the next call to see if they seem to convey the right message. Screenshots on the carousel now (mainly) link back to the site they represent.
- Samvera Connect AUL workshop
- See 2c above
- Samvera vision web links
- See 2e above
- Fedora comms blog posts - see
- Fedora has started putting out blog posts highlighting their usefulness during the time of pandemic. Should Samvera do likewise? Could base something on an existing case study. Who would be the audience (not the Samvera Community)? New Community Manager might usefully raise Samvera's profile on Social Media.
- Date of next call
- TBD - regular date clashes with CM interview process