Versions Compared


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  • When the Council started, this was chartered to bring together representatives for service providers, representatives from interest groups, and working groups to align project goals
    • Coordinating and communicating regarding community sprints was also a significant undertaking of this group
    • Every IG and WG defined their documents differently - the Roadmap Council first saw to try and standardize this by offering templating
    • Beyond this, there was a whitepaper published addressing the state of the technology in the community
    • Roadmap Council meets every two weeks
  • Project Management and Community Sprints
    • This Council was chartered to assist with managing and aligning these
    • 2020 saw an entire year of activity, along with a retrospective
      • Three Goals:
        • Analysis of roadmaps and planning cycles
          • The results of this will be presented during the next Partner Call
        • Facilitating to get code back into core
        • Communicating with the community at large
  • When we discuss facilitating contributing to core, is this murky or problematic?
    • If so, what are the obstacles?
    • It comes with challenges given the size of the community, and it will never be trivial
      • There have, however, been real successes
      • User management pieces in Hyku were extracted into a Gem and shared with Hyku and Avalon
        • Who contributed to this?
          • Avalon Team contracted with Notch8, Northwestern paid for the feature with grant funding
        • Roadmap Council makes these efforts known, and interested parties could request involvement and contribute funding or resources
        • The Roadmap Council identified the requirements for work in this case
        • Another Feature: DataCite Integration
          • All community members with this requirement produced a solution for this independently
  • Some assumed that the Roadmap Council is to coordinate rather than create a roadmap
    •  To what extent should the Roadmap Council invest in aligning IG/WG roadmaps and project roadmaps?
    • What of individual institutions and their roadmaps for custom Samvera repositories or local Samvera projects?
    • Community Manager is supposed to be a member of the Roadmap Council
      • They are responsible for representing the interests of individual institutions and their roadmaps
      • Community Manager clarifies that there might be similar functional requirements for different Samvera projects undertaken by different institutions
    • If we wish to expand the charter of the Council to address institutional roadmaps, this might be helpful, as this objective is not quite clear in the current charter
    • Roadmap Council could contribute some of the user stories (in terms of documentation and in order to exhibit the work which was achieved)
      • This would also be useful for the induction of the Community Manager
  • DataCite Integration
    • There are currently 7 implementations
    • Is there an activity for identifying which of these are being considered for inclusion into Samvera core?
    • After looking at multiple implementations, Notch8 has found that the implementations are extremely similar in structure
      • For the next institution which need this, perhaps they can work with the community instead
      • Also, it might also be helpful to have seasoned contributors work in order to "reclaim" projects into Samvera core
  • Avoiding duplication for future adopters would be very valuable
  • Gain an understanding and better communicate where the core code base is going
    • Additionally, indicating how this might affect other core components?
      • Example: Fedora 4 and Valkyrie
    • No one on Steering understood this Council to be chartered to create a single community Roadmap
      • However, where are the boundaries for this? Alignment definitely approaches this type of undertaking between core components and solution bundles
    • Discourse
      • Community members are very receptive to polite suggestions
      • Undertaking major solution bundles (Hyku and Avalon), implementers are knowledgeable of Valkyrie
        • There isn't much more coordination required beyond this point
        • The effort is still being directed, and the Hyrax Tech. Lead is engaging with other community developers to remain in alignment with these efforts
    • There may still be a communication opportunity for somehow discussing the alignment of the roadmaps between different projects
      • This would really be valuable if the Council could make the Valkyrie work for Hyrax much more visible to the community
        • Path for Avalon is to move to Hyrax, hence, the path to Valkyrie is to move to Hyrax on Valkyrie
        • Avalon still has functionality which Hyrax doesn't, and this still needs to be reconciled in such a way that is compatible with widespread community adoption
  • Roadmap Council is chartered to coordinate and support "asks"
    • Council cannot be responsible for proactively identifying who needs an ask, but representatives should be coming to the Council for support
    • How do we encourage representatives to engage with the Council?
      • Perhaps this is a Community Manager responsibility, but what should the path be before we have this role filled?
    • Past "asks" have not gone through the Roadmap Council

Action items
