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Moderator(s): Nora Zimmerman Anna Goslen

Notetaker: Nora Zimmerman

Community Notes:


  • Ryan Wick (Oregon State University)
  • Nora Egloff (Lafayette)
  • Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
  • Gretchen Gueguen (PALCI)
  • Anna Goslen (UNC Chapel Hill)
  • Sarah Seymore (University of Oregon)
  • Daniel Lovins (Yale)
  • Rebecca Pattillo
  • Annamarie Klose
  • Emily Stenberg


  • Subgroup Reports
    • URI Selection Working Group
      • No updates at this time. 
    • Geo Predicates Working Group
      • No one from WG on call.
    • Controlled Vocabularies Decision Tree Working Group (Julie H.)
      • WG has been meeting regularly, now on Wednesdays
      • working thru a spreadsheet of examples/use cases for types of information where a controlled vocabulary could be useful.
      • also examining places within the Hyrax and Hyku applications where controlled vocabularies can be looped in
      • concept of “levels” in the decision tree: steps to take and points to consider of outside or local controlled vocabs. Considering the format the tree should take. 
    • Hyrax Metadata Application Profile Documentation Review Working Group
      • Met twice sent last SMIG. Reviewed a lot of the tagged metadata issues in Hyrax github. Bumped/checked status. 
      • Doing a systematic review of the 2.0 Hyrax metadata application profile document (on knowledge base). Nurax is running 3.0 pre-release. Checking changes there.
  • Roadmap Council Update
    • No update. Sent out an update of the council’s work in the past quarter. Hyrax PO announcement should be coming soon.
  • Issues/Questions
    • In spring Partner meeting, long discussion in the agenda about the Samvera WG/IG framework. Requirement for 3 partner institutions to be on working groups. Is this a barrier?
    • Ryan: any discussion of idea of a different group type, such as “standing group”?
      • Not specifically, but the discussion seemed to form a consensus around reducing barriers to participation in WGs and in community projects - so it is unlikely that such a group would pose an issue.  
  • Topics
    • Anyone presenting at Virtual Connect (other than IG/WG updates)?
      • Gretchen did submit a proposal for a panel, with UVA and U of Oregon; all three are working on grant funded projects (2 around Hyku, 1 on improving metrics in Hyrax).  Developing an application profile for open educational resources 
      • deadline was extended to last Friday

Next Call :  May 26, 2020, 3-4pm Eastern