- New items
- None
- White paper - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RBQPRIsJTG7NvgdOqJCsmE6RdsKHmSjrRFjrUF6qXnw/edit#
- review/discuss comments (including RG idea for a Community White Paper)
- Title changed as suggested,
- Bit around Fedora. – We want to reflect the current state rather than future/planned development. Discussion of Fedora as a preservation platform - Accepting Michael Giarlo's edits. Asking Rosalyn Metz about Fedora 6 information to add as a supporting footnote.
- Community white paper – Steering should work on developing a deeper community white paper. We want to retain the community parts in this paper. Link to community parts of the wiki for each part (i.e. partners), Our goal is not to be exhaustive about community but more how community gets the work done.
- Publication timeline: Get out Tuesday, 3/19. Want to have this out pre-LCDX. Samvera lists, Marketing group, code4lib. Julie will draft list and we'll sign up to take pieces.
- Will extend invite to add Valkyrie PO (Carolyn Cole) to the Roadmap Council.
- Action items from last time:
- All: review Hyrax Roadmap - Done
- All: review RMC activities on wiki - Done
- Turnkey Hyrax/Hyku: This work has been done - it's for people to experiment with. Maintenance of these two will have to be done by the community. Hyku - will be actively used so will be maintained more easily. Will have to keep an eye on the Nurax.
- Wiki Gardening: Need more info about what this is referring to.
- Roadmap and resourcing coordination
- Will start discussing in our next meeting. - Tuesday April 9.
- Virtual Connect update session proposed
Next Meeting
Facilitator: Julie Allinson
Note taker: Jon Cameron