- Welcome Rachel Lynn from DCE
- Carolyn--Heads-Up - Vision/ Strategy Planning at Partners
- asked for a place for "visioning exercise" in small groups to create shared vision statement
- shared vision is a vehicle for creating a shared meaning
- finding the org's meaning for existence to shift us from reactive to creative viz. "Learning Organization"
- what about people not attending? There will be discussion of other ways for people not making the meeting to input
- Margaret–Reminder to add more agenda items
- Jeremy and MM will connect around Mar 29 to set timing of items on meeting
- believe the time for exercise will be 3 hours
- Question: there is remote participation for partner meeting via Zoom?
- Yes
- Esme volunteered to try to facilitate remote participation in small group exercise
- local development updates?
- Valkyrie--Esme–work to make it easier to use in Hyrax
- reducing dependencies
- Valkyrie 2.0 release will come out later this year
- just yesterday a new V. storage adapter using Shrine for cloud storage options "the NU whole team!"
- Avalon forum monthly 30 min forum
- cover adoption at local orgs etc.
- March 13 topics: work w/ Archivematica, and about "Timeliner" tool
- tool ready by end of this month
- Timeliner is a visual tool to help analyze (audio?) files, a visual aid for learning in music
- Virtual Connect update–from Ryan
- 27 proposals, many long
- meeting weekly to sort proposals
- will be over 2 day period, may run longer per day than original planned
- John Cameron using IU Zoom for dissemination
- Steering–Richard
- nothing from Steering
- and welcome back!
- Roadmap Council--Julie
- working on white paper: what the software is; dispel perceived complexity
- paper currently in final draft state, hoping to get out next week or a little past
- trying to understand how to better help people time sprints; valuable to get more people involved and understand barriers
- main focus on Hyrax, Hyku etc. roadmaps are not duplicating, in conflict etc.
- Volunteer–facilitator: Karen
- Volunteer–note taker: Margaret will take notes
- Carolyn: should we still have April online call?
- MM: good idea to still have call
- Richard: warning: next 2 weeks UK and USA are 1 hour closer than usual!
- Apologies from loud-typing note-taker! I mentioned in the chat window my audio was being disconnected periodically throughout the call and every time it disconnected, I was Unmuted again when it reconnected...