2) Enter Conference ID : 972118731
Karen Cariani (WGBH, Boston)
Jon Dunn (Indiana University)
- Changes to agenda
- Appointment of Chair/Facilitator
- Jon Dunn agreed to chair the group going forward.
- Jon Dunn agreed to chair the group going forward.
- Working Group membership
- Any further thoughts since the last call - how do we get input from the people who authorize the checks/cheques?
- No new names for the moment. Agreement that we should reach out as needed to people we might want to engage (ULs etc) but that they would be unlikely to join the group as regular members.
- 2019 Partner and Supporter Fundraising call
- How to action the suggestions from the December 19th call?
- Devote next call to this. Aim for a "general" ask with DuraSpace but also a more targeted one to Partners etc. Preface with personal contact using the list put together in December. Partners' voting list may be useful too. Need to have text for the genaeral call by the end of February.
Potential ontributors list at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ws0pBfuZcdxN_UpnE8LGTtsox2-MyI_4jUbV3UqnDCk/edit?usp=sharing
Previous fundraising letters: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rawDb5Xe3U_VWvDGPYZkgO5-hAlRbZn9GwBuVKWpoIM/edit
- Sponsorship for Samvera Connect
- Review the thoughts from last call
- Review examples of other sponsorship schemes - did that happen?
- Should Connect seek sponsors? - we have not yet reached a recommendation
Devote next but one call to this. We need recommendations by the end of March.
Danielle Robinson at Code for Science and Society has volunteered to talk to us (thanks, Brian) about possible supporting philanthropic organizations; this may be helpful and relevant for our sponsorship and large-scale funding discussions.
- Large-scale fundraising
- Review thoughts from last call - particularly as funding of this sort seems to be getting tight in the US?
- How would we "sell it to them". (What would they get for their money beyond "feeling good"?)
- Does the 1% open source funding model have any leverage? https://www.ericholscher.com/blog/2018/mar/9/one-percent-for-open-source/
- Or the 2.5% initiative - David Lewis from IUPUI - libraries should give 2.5% to community-based projects supporting infrastructure to open source - what percentage of instutions institutions budget is the library archive https://scholarworks.iupui.edu/handle/1805/14063
Fedora, DuraSpace, Samvera - bundling that gift? Should Samvera community bundle that?
- How might we develop a contributory model from service providers?
- Maurice York and James Hilton hosted a meeting in Ann Arbor during December to talk about funding, coherence and alignment in our sector - considering trying to co-ordinate organizations and their funding. (See also Joint Roadmap for Open Science Tools (jrost.org), Invest in Open (link needed), and Open Source Alliance for Open Science (https://osaos.org/open-source-alliance-for-open-science/) In due course, we may need to become part of some sort of consortium in order to survive; "going it alone" may become more challenging. These initiatives may represent an opportunity or an existential threat. We need to get much better at marketing and branding to emphasize that we are worth funding to get to a long-term position of sustainability.
- Date of next meeting
- tbd - can we agree the next one now? (FYI: Marketing WG are taking the alternate Wednesdays in our pattern)
- Set up a Doodle poll to agree future dates?
- JD to organize Doodle(s). Next call devoted to annual fundraising, next but one to conference sponsorship.
Notes by Ryan
Jon Dunn - Chair