- ....
- December 14 meeting:
- Facilitator: Nabeela Jaffer
- Notetaker: Franny Gaede
- Steering Update - progress on vote on ByLaws (Richard)
- 2 votes are put together into one ballot
- Bylaws - Adopting the lot of Bylaws on block
- Ratify the Roadmap Council Charter
- Start vote on November 20th - close it on December 11 - Wiki Page has links to the ballot
- Contributions WG - Rosalyn is putting together a follow up group
- Fundraising WG - charter - if other people want to join, they are welcome. We currently have 5-6. See Samvera Fundraising Working Group
- looking for "a good sized group" we'll worry about to too big of a group when that's a problem
- There is a timeline for deliverables
- Ryan will add here the Wiki page: Samvera Fundraising Working Group
- Marketing WG - Chris Awre -
- Feedback received - if folks have feedback they'd like to provide, we can receive that
- CA will be picking up again - will be looking for additional members to Marketing
- Virtual Connect - Ryan will add notes here
- Working on recruiting - please see emails
- Looking to split into two tracks
- Looking at mid-April
- Spring partner Meeting -
- Usually at Stanford typically in March with LCDX. This year moving the meeting to Indiana (see dates and places above) - would be IUPUI - or late April in Atlanta
- Hotel rates will be in $120-150 in Indianapolis, low $200's in Emory
- Ensure good Videoconference capability for remote participation
- Please let Jon know if that's going to work
- Steve - Hyrax Roadmap and plan
- resourcing ask is out - linked above - messages to the Google Groups and from SIGAHR website on Wiki
- Hoping to get responses by Dec. 7th.
- Will piece together dev teams as much as possible from what we get back.
- If people are already working on something similar - they should let SIGAHR know so that things get aligned
- Hyrax-Valkyrie Integration
- meeting at Connect - determined who is currently using Hyrax and who is developing on Hyrax - how does Valkyrie reflect on that
- Survey out to Community - 10 minutes/ 20 questions
- Folks planning Hyrax survey - what Valkyrie looks like impacts upgrades, etc... make sure you fill out survey so that people will have their needs met. Make sure voices are heard. Respond by Nov. 23rd.
- Resourcing will be planned based on survey.
- Rationalization of Wiki Landing Page - the page is getting huge (Richard)
- Email to partner list - object WG's moving to new page
- Make sure if we move WG's and IG's we highlight - a short paragraph of explanation?
- Richard will do the work and then show folks and if people don't like, we'll revert
- Samvera and Hyrax Implementations Page - (Nabeela)
- One page for Hyrax and one for Samvera - Repo Managers group - put use case studies on the page with description of gems and components used
- Who is working on these pages? Can we consolidate these pages?
- Richard is in support
- any help Nabeela can get - people should help
- For