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This is the tenative workshop schedule. The finalized workshop schedule will be posted here by  

Jump to: Morning Sessions  - Afternoon Sessions


Workshop registration is now part of Samvera Connect conference registration. (link to registration when open)

Table of Contents

All Day Session (9AM-12PM; 2:00 PM-5:00PM)

All Day Sessions
All Day Sessions

1) Scaling Data: TACO from Design to Deploy (All Day)

Description: A growing number of people are seeing the need to evolve digital repository systems to a data-forward architecture that can scale to millions of records. But, how to get there? At Stanford, we’re working on TACO, an AWS-based system that separates data concerns from management systems. This system is the backbone of our future digital repository. This workshop gives an overview of a data API & service example based on TACO, going from design to data modeling & validation to development to deployment. It’s not meant to be an in-depth dive of every topic therein, but link these domains and topics together. We hope that participants would then leave with more comfort on how to start separating out services and data needs for an evolution to clear RESTful APIs and scalable architecture, as well as having spent some time getting to know TACO.

Presenter(s): Aaron Collier justin cmharlow

Audience:  Library data system designers; Digital Library architects; Data & Services Developers; DevOps Engineers

Equipment: Laptop with stable internet connection; AWS Free Account (information sent out before the workshop); Latest Docker install locally; Go installed locally.

Experience: Some scripting experience; Some experience with containerization.

Room: TBD

Half Day Sessions

Morning Sessions (9AM-12PM)


  • what tests are
  • why they're used
  • how they're used
  • what types of tests exist
  • what types of frameworks exist
  • some additional concepts in testing such as doubles, stubs, spies, and Webmock
  • how to write tests
  • how to break tests
  • how to fix tests

Presenter(s): Carolyn Cole cam156

Audience: Developers

Equipment: Development environment.


Description: This hands-on workshop will cover tools and techniques to help managers keeping in sync with community development efforts while managing the user expectations and needs. We will cover the dynamics of dedicating responsibilities at the institution and the community level.

Presenter(s): Nabeela  Nabeela Jaffer

Audience: Managers, Repository Managers


  • An overview of the Avalon solution bundle and the new Avalon components
  • Hands-on activities adding the components to a Hyrax application and using them to ingest and play time-based media

Presenter(s): Chris Colvard  Chris Colvard (Deactivated)  & Brian Keese

Audience: Developers


Equipment: Personal Laptop (development environment instructions)

Room: 1170

7) Hop, Skip, & a Jump: Sufia to Hyrax

Description: Currently on Sufia and interested in getting on the Hyrax bus? In this workshop, we will take a Sufia app that has some basic customizations and data and walk through some options for getting it successfully to Hyrax 2.1.

Presenter(s): Kevin Musiorski

Audience: Developers

Equipment: Personal Laptop (development environment instructions will be provided)

Room: TBD

Afternoon Sessions (2PM-5PM)


1) Architecting repository infrastructure with Collection Types, Admin Sets, and Collections

Description: This workshop will focus on designing approaches for best practices on using admin sets and collections in structuring a repository.

Presenter(s): Lynette  Lynette Rayle

Audience: Managers, Repository Managers, Software Architects

Equipment: N/A

Room: 1110


2) Introduction to Fedora 5.0 and Alternate Implementations

Description: Fedora is the flexible, extensible, open source repository platform that stores, preserves and serves linked data resources, and is used as the underlying platform by Samvera for managing content. The next major release of Fedora represents the publication and implementation of the API specification. This specification aligns Fedora with a set of modern web standards, and provides an opportunity for emerging implementations of the specification to service evolving use cases. This workshop will provide an overview of the API specification, including information on the updates clients will need to make in response to API changes. It will also introduce some of the other API implementations that have been developed by the Fedora community.

Presenter(s): David  David Wilcox

Audience: Repository Managers and Developers

Equipment: Fedora virtual machine (provided by instructor)

Room: 1735


3) Introduction to Samvera


  • What is Samvera?
  • Community structure and resources
  • Hands-on: examples and exploration
  • Technical overview and resourcing
  • Getting started with Samvera
  • How to pitch Samvera back home: Benefits
  • Q&A

If you are new to Samvera or considering adoption of Samvera products, this workshop is designed for you! Samvera is a community, a set of tools, and increasingly a collection of ready-to run applications to help build a digital repository for your institution. It is an open source and sustainable community. This workshop will provide an on-boarding and general entrée to the Samvera community for non coders. The workshop will begin with an overview of Samvera community and products– what is it, why is it different. It will showcase some applications that exist, and discuss the how the community at large works. The overview will be followed by a general technical overview designed for non-coders. The staff skills needed to maintain and contribute a Samvera solution will be discussed, resources that exist to get started, and how to contribute code to the community. The workshop will conclude with discussing how to pitch Samvera and get institutional support. It will discuss the advantages of being part of the community and how that strengthens the sustainability of the tools, the applications, and the community overall. 

Presenter(s): Robin Lindley Ruggaber, Steve van Van Tuyl,   Julie Allinson. 

Audience: Anyone new or newish to Samvera – Managers, General

Equipment: N/A

Room: 1008


4) Introduction to Valkyrie

Description: Valkyrie is a new persistence layer for Samvera, supporting multiple backends for storing files and metadata. Currently supported backends include Fedora, PostgreSQL and Solr for metadata, and Fedora and local disk for files. Valkyrie provides an abstraction layer over file and metadata persistence, allowing an application to be configured to use different backends without code changes. This workshop will include:

  • An overview of Valkyrie's design, including why the Data Mapper pattern was used, and how Valkyrie addresses sustainability issues with ActiveFedora
  • Status updates on current Valkyrie development, including applications built using Valkyrie, and efforts to use Valkyrie in Hyrax
  • Hands-on exercises to give attendees first-hand experience working with Valkyrie and demonstrate how concepts from Samvera applications work with Valkyrie

Presenter(s): Adam  Adam Wead & Esmé Esmé Cowles

Audience: Developers

Equipment: Ruby/Rails development environment

Room: 1160


5) Samvera as an API

Description: This workshop will discuss tools and capabilities for building external interfaces (React apps, mobile apps) that use Samvera as an API and data source.


Equipment: Development environment

Room: 1009


6) Testing your Samvera Application - hands-on workshop

Description: TBD

Presenter(s): Mark Busseytamsin woo


Equipment: Personal Laptop (development environment instructions)

Room: 1170


7) Static Websites and Community Documentation with Jekyll

Description: This half-day workshop will orient participants with the Jekyll ( static website generator. Jekyll is an open source command-line tool for transforming plain text into modern websites. Samvera uses Jekyll to develop and maintain our community documentation,, but Jekyll can be used for several digital library projects, including scholarly publications and digital exhibits. We will provide a basic overview of the Jekyll development environment, introduce participants to helpful resources for customizing Jekyll websites, and cover our GitHub-based workflow for editing and maintaining Basic HTML, Markdown, and command-line experience is helpful but not required. Beginners are welcome!  
