Connection Info:
- Start and end times confirmed each day and add to room spreadsheet
- Break times insert into room spreadsheet
- Confirm if recording is happening, and which room
- Recording
- Does Northwestern have a standard agreement that they use for recordings that we will use?
- Instructions for printing posters or date when that info will be available
- Will someone be doing the welcome? If so who, and how long?
- Is it possible to get LAN connections for remote presenters? If a cost, how much?
- $250 / room/day for ethernet
- Registration update: 92 (hoping around 250)
- Hotel update:
- Review plenary:
- Room view:
- Set or to be set (2 hr 40 min with 20 min break?)
- Welcome (20 min)
- Northwestern dignitary?
- Local host rep (and program committee rep?) - announcements / logistics
- Code of Conduct (15 min)
- State of Community (broken up) - (45 min)
- WG/IG lightning talks (5 at 15-20 min); may want to keep 1-2 slots open for more IG/WGs or also offer them to give updates at lightning talks during Wed
- Welcome (20 min)
- 1-2 sessions that resonate for all (20 min/each)
6 Additional lightning talks? (5 min each) oradditional 20-30 minsession)Any Q&A or ask anything session?
- Review panels and presentations for Wed
- 12 60-min sessions (panels)
- 20-25 30-min sessions (presentations)
- Confirm with presenters, get finalized descriptions
- Send out final program next week
- Lightning Talk Sign-up for Wed
- Volunteer to talk the lead for lightning talks - justin
- Number to have ahead of time
- Sign-up process for at conference
- Workshops
- Thank you, Hannah Frost
- 21 registrants already
- Program format
- wiki / sched?
- Action Items
- Confirm presenters and descriptions for parallel sessions, panels, and plenary - Karen
- Draft session list - Karen
- Draft schedule - Karen
- Draft announcement - ALL to edit
- Agenda items for next time
- Look into best online tool
- Sessionizer lead
- Fill in final to-do's