Notes and matters arising from previous meeting and Samvera meetings
Communications logic map
Heather will circulate this to IG/WG Chairs and Board members for use as a reference tool when planning their own communications
Samvera Repo
All to review Partner meeting notes and screenshots to inform next steps over the summer
Social media use
Chris to survey Partners over the summer
Next steps to be discussed at a future meeting (as Charlotte not present)
[Emails outside the meeting highlighted the possible use of student workers over the summer, although it could be included in the website now pending future enhancement]
Case studies and user profiles / institutional summaries
Case studies have started to come in and will be edited for the website in due course
Event sponsorship
Code4Lib feedback
The sponsorship was put in place, but there has been no feedback per se from this.
Open Repositories
Heather to explore this with the Board and also discuss with Jon Dunn (as coordinator of sponsorship)
Open Repositories workshop
Chris will arrange separate slots to review the presentation and prepare for the workshop
Heather highlighted that the 2020 Annual Report was now available
The Marketing WG is requested to identify a likely budget to feed into the budget planning required of Samvera as part of its engagement with OASIS
Page Comparison
Manage space
Manage content