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  • Understanding of State of Hyrax Roadmap
  • Identification of Possible roles/ outcomes
  • Identification of Meeting schedule


StartWhy are we having this IG?SVT

Intros - Your name, university, role - Samvera involvment in one sentenceRJS
  Current Status of the Roadmap SVT 

Areas where we need help (ex: bulk stuff, valkyrie, analytics round 2, accessibility)SVT
Towards the EndMeeting Times and Interest Group GuidelinesRJSSamvera IG/WG FrameworkInterest Group/Working Group Framework#InterestGroups

Action items

  •  @


Clear to a lot of people that it's a lot of work to tech lead and product own a roadmap as everyone's local needs hit up against community needs.  Steve is 20% PO and Mike is 20% as technical lead.  A good opportunity to call on the community to bolster this work.  We can do a better job of PO'ing and TL'ing in a way that makes sense. 


Technical debt  - software maintenance subsection - out of conversations over last 6-12 months.  trey and Ben put together a group called Component Maintenance WG.  Try to understand the core components of the samvera products and how to idenifty POs for those core components.  Would address issues with those POs.  

Question of different resourcing - this group will help figure out how we do that.  SVT will not be benevolent dictator.  

Could this group be the one that captures and coalesces those issues..  Some cases where features get lost or dropped.  Not infrequent - to contribute your feature back to community is intimidating, may take resources locally.  Work with local institutions and see if they can hand it back.  Or work together to pull their feature back.  

Where do we need help now?

Lynette - Collections is wrapping up

Analytics core - working now 

Valkyrie - 2 cycles and is working on getting a 3rd cycle later in the year

Group and repsonsibility - LaRita is on that.

Tom Johnson - working on bulk stuff.  

This leaves 

Accessibility.  UX IG may want to take the lead.  

David:  Has anyone asked about Accessibility is critical for next phase?

SVT:  some have identified this as an issue.  PSU and DCE.  Good way to identify an issueor lead on coordinating work.  Getting resources together - will be a challenge - if you make the approach a "if you want a thing, you need to make it happen" - ask people to do work who can't - that resourcing approach means that people think they're being rejected.  Or few groups who actually participate and all work is on them.

David:  just knowing if an adoption plan hinges on a feature being adopted to adopt platform - 

SVT:  easier to do that locally but doesn't bridge back to community

David:  batch edit and bulk import export

Jess:  Is there a list somewhere that I'm missing where that's occurring?

Link to Roadmap document in the chat.  

Steve - maybe what this is - pulling things out of Google Doc of ongoing projects - a wiki page for each project and how it fits on roadmap.  

Lynette - is this group well set to faciliate this - policy regarding how you get things on the roadmap - self-identify what people want to do - 

Good outcome of this group for making it easier for the community.

Chris - Might want to set up processes so Pull Requests getting reviewed, issues being groomed.  Feels like a need for that sooner than later.  

Steve - Chipping away at labeling issues yesterday - time and experience-wise may want to spin off and take that on, would be helpful.  

Lynette - core committers can be on-deck for a few days at a time to do PR reviews and grooming.  Specified things they do - we may need a few people on deck at a time.  PR's may not be in someone's specific area.  

Steve - ties back to Core Components working group is having.  PR out related to Component - tap PO for that PR and see if we can build out that way.  

Lynette - wouldn't hurt to have a list of who knows what in specific areas.  Would be nice to know - who has worked with search builders (example)

Chris - Place to start may be reviewing and changing who is on the list of code reviewers on GitHub.  9 people listed, 4-5 are no longer involved.  Few who can take time to do the review.  

group review of PR's - maybe tag onto the Samvera Tech call - spend a few minutes going through reviews, PR's.  

STEVE:  A lot of things to do next - 

SLACK Group - Jess fire up a Slack group

Ryan schedule next meeting

Action Items:

  • Collect all documents for the roadmap in one location (Steve)
  • Good idea to include a section of the roadmap to identify what hyrax is NOT going to be - scope, what are we trying to get to (Group)
  • What is the process for identifying work and proposing ideas? (Group)
  • How does one gather resources for the work? (Group)
  • Build a hyrax page for all the things on the roadmap (Steve)
  • Subgroup for grooming labelling PRing etc. (Chris organize?)
  • Lists of devs who are skilled in particular areas (related to Core Components WG stuff) - is core components working on building this? (Steve contact Ben Armintor)
  • Review list of Hyrax code reviewers on GH… (maybe Chris and Lynette?)
  • Hang on after samvera tech call for review and issue triage (Steve organize)
