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Component Maintenance Interest Group Update

James Griffin

In order to advance the scheduling of regular meetings, this is to propose a weekly meeting date and time for the IG.



(To be drafted)



  • Updates for Hyrax

    • Establishing the status of Valkyrized Hyrax

      • Lynette and Julie are working through the featured test cases

        • There are still some blocking issues

        • There is a sub-group of the Board meeting with Lynette in order to try and find resources to provide assistance for these efforts

    • Blacklight 7 Bootstrap Work

      • James should verify this, but there shouldn’t be anything outstanding for core components

      • Otherwise, this is just focused upon Hyrax

  • Component Maintenance

    • (James will complete this)

  • SMIG

    • OAI-PMH and Hyrax/Hyku integration is going to be addressed by the SMIG

    • This will not warrant a new WG

  • Upgrade to Rails 6

  • Newsletter Update

    • This is actively being developed by Heather

    • There are sections within this which are going to detail in-person events (e. g. presence at conferences)

    • Is Samvera Connect going to have any virtual options for attendance?

      • Perhaps, but it should be recalled that there is going to be Virtual Connect for those who need to attend exclusively virtually

  • SMIG Updates

    • Besides OAI-PMH, there was a discussion for Hyrax supporting ResourceSync

      • Is DPLA actively using this? It is currently supported

    • Accessibility

      • There is a desire to have alt text values

      • Within the system, there is no solution for supporting this currently

      • Outside of the main source code base, how might this be supported?

    • Virtual Connect 2022

      • Should there be a separate presentation addressing specific Hyrax topics of interest?

      • Accessibility doesn’t necessarily fall within the scope of the SMIG (it isn’t necessarily metadata)

        • Perhaps a lightning talk?

      • The call for proposals can be found here: Samvera Virtual Connect 2022

  • Supporting Hyrax Releases

    • Once 4.0 is released, will there be any adjustments made to the release policies?

    • Maintenance plan for 2.x and 3.x releases need to be explicitly clarified

    • There was a discussion here:

    • As this was discussed during a tech. call, the next appropriate meeting would be to draft a proposal detailing the preferred approach, and then shared with the next Partner Meeting for 05/02/2022

Meeting adjourned at 09:30 AM PDT/12:30 EDT PM

Action items

