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Jon Dunn (Indiana University)

Hannah Frost (Stanford University)

Richard Green (University of Hull - co-facilitator) (apologies)


2.  Would be pulling other people in the org - will approach people as needed or thought of

3.  Highlight Hyrax WG releases, losing all the devs in the Hyrax WG, not putting forth more developers, - if you're not giving devs, give money.  Can we do that - 

      combine "ask" - tying the usual contribution - state dependencies - here's all the stuff, if you like the contributions, you should give money or give dev time to support the roadmap

      Informal contact or other kinds of messages to particular interests -  

      Ask goes out in March/ April - 

      Personal contact - approach to reach out to individuals at institutions - work within BTAA - IU, Mich, Northwestern - director to director peer pressure

      A more targeted, personalized approach - contact list of who knows who and who can reach out to whom, have their UL reach out.  

      What are the aspirations for the year?  - 

     Contribution WG - model 

What we want to do with the money - shoot for that amount in the contributions (what we'll do with the money - what does it go to?) 

What money will be used for - multi-year commitment ask

4.  See notes in " "  - need to build positions into that as well.  Getting a lot of support as they get it together

What kinds of entities are likely to want to sponsor?

Vendors that might be interested?

Solicit from community - people using product, anyway

Ex: Rancher, Docker, they know Jess and UCSD, can come in

Google Cloud - make sure you’re careful as competitors show up

Didn’t have all those vendors at first, told other vendors about it

Ex: Jess - told Rancher to get involved

Cloud Providers

Google Cloud



OR- commerical repo providers, complimentary providers




Philanthropic orgs? -

Green Open access supporters, etc…  Foundations, etc… specific, measurable outcomes from many

Conceivably build support for infrastructure

Money to an institution,

DuraSpace or the conference host

Outside general philosophy - don’t become dependent on grants -

Look at fundraising

5.  2.5% initiative - David Lewis from IUPUI - libraries should give 2.5% to community-based projects supporting infrastructure to open source - what percentage of instutions budget is the library archive

Fedora, DuraSpace, Samvera - bundling that gift?  Should Samvera community bundle that?  

5-10K fatigue - number of such things goes up every year, desire for management - looking at things like IIIF and PKP, all asking for similar kinds of money

what you get for the contribution - 5 Connect registrations?  A totebag?

Have to have one of the institutions donate a position -