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Use Cases

Have a use case you are working with that you would like to explore?  Add it here.  A variety of use cases will be selected to serve as examples during the workshop.  We will work through design possibilities and questions during the workshop in order to build a better understanding of the tools we have available to architect our repositories.

Use Case: Self-Deposit

In a self-deposit repository system, any user with a login can add works and files.

  • As a logged in user, I want to create new works that are attributed to me and discoverable by the public.
  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to organize my works for my own use.
  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to organize works to share with others.

Use Case:  Curated Exhibits

In a curated repository, select staff can create content and selectively release it for public consumption.

  • As a librarian, I want to select public works to include in a curated exhibit.

Use Case: Migration from D-Space to Hyrax

There are many uses for D-Space.  One use is the collection of faculty/staff research for a department on a university campus.

  • As a repository manager, I want to create collections for each organizational unit of the university.
  • As a faculty/staff member, I want to be able to create new works within my department's collection which are attributed to me.

Use Case: Art Institute of Chicago

Use Case: ... feel free to add another use case

Common Customizations to Application Flow

There are several major customizations to flow that I have seen at various institutions.  We could approach it from there.  For example…

  • self deposit - start from uploading a work of any type; often using only a single work type
  • file oriented - start by selecting the type of file being uploaded which drives work type options, workflow, collections the work can go into
  • workflow oriented - start by selecting a workflow
  • collection oriented - start by selecting a collection (e.g. ETD, exhibit, etc.) and what happens next depends on what you selected



Workshop leaders:

jrudder at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 

Julie is the Repository Program Manager at UNC Libraries and oversees repositories for IR, digital collections, and born-digital collections. 

Lynette Rayle at Cornell University

Lynette is a ruby developer and architect at Cornell University.  She has been working on Sufia/Hyrax applications since 2014.  She is a core contributor for Hyrax and recently led the efforts to expand the functionality of collections within Hyrax.

Slide deck:

What We'll Be Discussing 

  • Building Blocks (45 min)
  • Use Cases (1 hr)
  • Break (15 min)
  • Hands On Activity (30 min)
  • Group Discussion (30 min)

Building Blocks

  • Collection Types
  • Admin Sets
  • Collections
  • Works Types
  • Works
  • Filesets

Use Cases

  • Self Deposit
  • Mediated Deposit
  • Exhibits
  • Multiple Use Cases in One System

Hands On Activity

  • Bring your own use case to work on in a group or work on a provided use case.
  • Hands On Activity Working Area - files provided...
    • use cases to select from - COPY BEFORE EDITING
    • empty worksheet if using your own use case - COPY BEFORE EDITING

Group Discussion

  • What did you learn?  What questions do you still have?  And other take aways.