Community Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10dO8AFFBvz-rDkC0afZs4PCe0WBATPM_oCag0i50Vs4/edit?tab=t.0
Moderator(s): Annamarie Klose
Notetaker: Emma Beck
Nick Steinwachs (he / him) - Notch8
Emma Beck (she/her) - University of Louisville
Rachel Jacobson (she/her) - Georgetown University
Meredith Hale (she/her) - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Anna Goslen (she/her) - UNC Chapel Hill
Benjamin Riesenberg (they/them) U. of Oregon Libraries
Morgan McKeehan (she/her/hers), Oregon State University Libraries & Press
Steve McDonald (he/him), Tufts University
Annamarie Klose (she/her/hers) - Ohio State University
Christine Peterson - Amigos Library Services
Heather Greer Klein (she/her) - Samvera
Samvera community updates - Heather Greer Klein
Community leadership - Hyrax set for the year and hoping to establish it through this year for next year
Hyku - new community leadership that should be announced shortly
Partner meeting in March
Roadmaps Alignment Group
Meet yesterday
Trying to establish goals for the year
Technology report - requires some developer time so has been hard to prioritize. Hopefully there will be a sprint this year to get this completed
Lack of language tags for text fields in Samvera Hyrax - there is an open issue for this!
See notes from the last meeting about this.
Rooted in conversations around RDF - samvera is kinda linked data and the language tag is an area where we are currently lacking that would help complete this
Was a discussion at the Samvera West Coast Meet up. Very developer heavy group, and the takeaway was it would be a lot. Would need to create an ability to associate a language tag and then create the functionality to associate with the language the user wants. Would be cool, but would be a lot of work to get it to this point
Looked at iiif - if we did take this on, we would want it to be iiif compatible
November consensus was it would be neat but not a strong push
Ranking priorities of Hyrax/Hyku work related to metadata - proposed by Emma in November
Hoping to clean up these tags. Right now they are on the older side. If we can tag some of the newer tickets with “metadata” we can keep track of them better for us and for developers
Brainstorm metadata priorities - will keep building on this list! Feel free to go back to institutions and report back
AllinsonFlex - AKA flexible metadata
IU has it implemented, older version of Hyrax. See Julie’s recording - UTK AllinsonFlex Demo 2024-05-03.mp4
Amigos is doing some development on it which will be run on valkyrie. Will not have the interface (as seen in Julie’s video) but will use yaml file. Metadata can be changed based on admin set. Being built on Hyku, might take some time to have it in Hyrax
If we wanted an interface it would be the next step. Might be a next project
Ordering of metadata
Hyrax Metadata Ordering Working Group. Seems to be possible with Valkyrie - Hyrax Metadata Ordering Working Group
Built on Fedora 4 and linked data - no longer applicable so some movement (Roadmaps Alignment sees this as a priority too)
Avalon has fixed it, so might look at how they fixed it
Via Shana/Nick - This reminds me of work Jeremy did. He created a gem called OrderAlready https://github.com/samvera-labs/order_already but this was a solution for Active Fedora so now that we've moved to valkyrie it may need updating - samvera-labs/order_already
Language tags
Add tags (language tags but broader) - Use cases include provenance, preservation, associating a term with a controlled vocabulary
How to do it in RDF….
How to have non-flat files. Wanting hierarchy
UNC has added some hierarchy to their records, around ORCID. Anna has agreed to look into more detail. Example: https://cdr.lib.unc.edu/concern/scholarly_works/c247dx287
Embargo feature
Questioning Authority - for names and subject headings
Open discussion
Has anyone tried to connect Hyku to CIDOC CRM yet?
Like getting the mapping together so that a field in hyku can be associated with the CIDOC term to have the ontologies being picked up into rdf triples and better Linked open Data
No one in the group had first had knowledge, but encouraged the question in slack
Next meeting: February 25, 2025, 2-3 pm EST / 1-1 pm CST / 11 am-12 pm PST