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titleTable of Contents

Table of Contents

We'll record discussions and updates here in case there's anyone who misses the call

Week 1

Updates Mar 7

Issue #5461 (Anna) - batch edit not working with valkyrie

  • just that batch edit doesn't work
  • got nurax-pg up and running

Issue #5462 (Eliot) - editing parent work error

  • got nurax-pg up and running
  • got error following steps, but it is different
  • working on figuring that one out 

Issue #5480 (Trey) - file upload multiple problems

  • issue was filesets don't have a thumbnail
  • there are multiple errors
  • FIXED: valkyrie ingest job was failing because test and app worked a little different.  Can't copy carrier wave stream directly into a file. 
  • FIXED: characterization wasn't working because not able to set file set id 
  • FIXED: missing title 
  • derivatives don't run
  • rubocop doesn't like long method

Issue #5449 (Lynette) - nested collection form exceptions

  • working on nested collection form issues
  • FIXED: method missing for find
  • working on #nestable? method missing

Issue #6490 (Shaun) - UI consistency

  • Created a PR for a changed label.
  • Would recommend taking out icons from action menu


  • planning to work with dassie with valkyrie setup
  • will look at setting up nurax-pg


  • looking to pick up something tomorrow

Updates Mar 8

Anna (#5461) - batch editing

  • pairing with Eliot
  • batch edit will need to be converted to a change set
  • perhaps it would be better to tear it out
  • There's another project for batch editing - bulkrax. Maybe putting bulkrax into hyrax is a potential?
  • Bulkrax may be more for bulk ingest.
  • Julie may know if there's something on the roadmap to do something for batch edit
  • Batch edit can be turned off. Maybe we can just make it so if Valkyrie's turned on, batch edit is left flipped off? Toggle based off Hyrax.config.disable_wings.

Chris (#5463) - missing _pcdm_partials

  • got docker setup working
  • taking a look at searches that return pcdm collections
  • looks like it has something to do with routes
  • also may need to override a blacklight helper for path resolution
  • look at it more tomorrow
  • would it work to add partials instead of overriding by rendering the _collection partial from _pcdm_collection partial.  Probably would see similar issues.

Daniel (#4788) - fileset id not indexed

  • thumbnail ids are being set on the model, but not indexed
  • first step is to index the fileset id
  • next step is to get access to the files
  • worked on getting nurax-pg docker environment be easier

Eliot (5462) - error editing with parent work

  • working on parent work editing
  • somewhat blocked by nurax-pg setup
  • can't replicate in Hyrax
  • registering postgres adapter

Lynette (5449) - collection nesting

  • lots of moving parts
  • exploring current process
  • looking to see if can address the bigger issue of not running the collection indexing unless membership has changed

Shaun (5490) - UI consistency

  • working on ui consistency tickets
  • 2 PRs passing - removal of icons, renaming
  • gonna pick up table sort and column sorting next
  • going to have to sort by solr on server side

Trey (5504) - file derivatives

  • looked some at derivatives issue
  • need parallel of current derivatives job that is valkyrie specific
  • doesn't store derivatives in Fedora currently
  • probably look at tomorrow

Updates Mar 9

Anna (#5461) - batch editing

  • Found a bug that's the cause of the ticket about correctly pulling the permissions that a work is allowed to have - being able to set an embargo/lease. See
  • Looking at #5457 - works deposited via proxy getting the right visibility.

Chris (#5463) - missing _pcdm_partials when searching with collections

  • Merged PR resolving the issue of _pcdm collections not being in search results. Ended up cloning a feature test and did some work to make it run against the Valkyrie solr core. Useful patterns here:
  • Won't be back on the sprint until Friday.

Daniel (#4788) - fileset id not indexed

  • Looking at thumbnail/representative ID indexing. Tricky because derivatives aren't being made. Mostly making sure how the current system works - it's a little convoluted in places.
  • Spent some time trying to solve weird AccessControls::Embargo reloading thing. It seems like ActiveFedora::Relation keeps a cached reference to a class which becomes a different class on reload. Tried to hack it to reload the class, but it got unhappy about wings models.

Eliot (5462) - error editing with parent work

  • Just started looking at #5462 again. Trying to find where in nurax-pg the problem lies - tried to spin up a fresh rails app the same way nurax-pg was and getting the same error. Still tracking down.

Lynette (5157) - collection metadata should be same as in AF

  • (5449) - collection nesting - not worked on today to finish up 5157
  • Update batch delete to use transactions - originally used ActiveFedora to delete.

Shaun (5490) - UI consistency

  • Working on inventorying UI for consistent language/works
  • 3 PRs in. Ping slack or is the github ping better?
    • Slack ping is better.
  • Might need recommendations on a good issue to pick up next.

Trey (5504) - file derivatives

  • Comments in the ticket.


  • Working on testing.
  • Found many issues with collections. Collection creation/discovery of collections. Those issues are blocking his testing.
  • Lynette is working on nested collections - hopefully there will be work on that soon.
  • Lynette will deploy a new version of nurax-pg with the fixed collection pages.
  • Will Lynette announce new PRs?
    • Lynette pushes with a diff you can browse.

Can someone merge their institution's PRs?

  • Yes

Has Julie approved all the icon 

Shaun needs a new issue

  • Can work on feature tests - can pair with Chris today or Friday.
  • If wants help with the solr backend stuff, can reach out to Lynette for pairing.

Updates Mar 10

Anna (#5457) - proxy deposit visibility always private

  • off this afternoon
  • continuing to work on Issue #5457
  • looked at transactions related to this
  • continuing with this tomorrow


  • off today
  • Issue #5463 closed by PR #5515 - missing _pcdm_partials when searching with collections

Daniel (#4788) - fileset id not indexed

  • thumbnails are now indexing
  • question about how thumbnails are indexed in hyrax as hasRelated_image_ssim; not intuitive, but sticking with what they have always been
  • in dassie, trying to show the image in the UV, but seems like the manifest isn't there
  • one other thing want to do is the changes in nurax-pg to make docker easier to work with

Eliot (5462) - error editing with parent work OR #5461

Lynette (5157) - collection metadata should be same as in AF

  • PR #5157 - Collection basic metadata should be opt-in by the application
  • PR #5511make change set forms allow multiple values for title
  • PR #5518 - adds deprecation notices for transactions/steps that are no longer supported
  • Trying to get back to collection nesting

Shaun (5490) - UI consistency

  • PR #5508 - changing labels caused a bunch of feature tests to fail requiring tests to be tweaked; switching to ids to avoid in the future

Tao - testing with spreadsheet

  • #5517 Search result page of collections later pages create error

Trey (5504) - file derivatives

  • local meeting this afternoon
  • continuing to make progress on derivatives

Updates Mar 11


  • Starting Invalid authenticity token issue


  • Working on when you try to make a work as a proxy depositor you can't set it to public visibility.
    • It also doesn't go through as a proxy depositor.
    • Figured out where it's going wrong - working on a fix.
    • Problem was a race condition on the listener


  • Built out structure for derivatives job


  • continuing work on parent editing issue
  • Blocked on a test that fails in CI (which uses engine cart)
  • May be helpful to reference the PR from earlier this week that added a feature test for searching.
  • Lynette can pair.


  • Trying to separate out some work that allows for empty values and doesn't actually save them in the data.
  • Working on test failures
  • Then plan to go back to the nesting


  • Thumbnail work - put up a branch and working on some failing tests
  • nurax-pg - PR with docker compose fixes ready for review
    • Uses hyrax main branch (doesn't try to mount a local development hyrax)


  • Used a new admin user to do testing on collection type
    • Still get an error when editing a collection type


  • Working on PR#5508 - seems ready to go at this point, pending CI
  • Had to guard against nil date updated values. Use date uploaded as a backup value. May want to refactor at some point.
  • Maybe add a solr document method like document.latest_date?


  • Offers to pair.
  • Idea: rspec --only-failures: can we put the result in the artifacts of circleCI? And then recombine the 10 files to let us download it and use it locally.
  • Output of valkyrie index: sometimes the key is a string and sometimes a symbol. Can / should we use one or the other?
    • In the solr document they're all strings.
    • It would be easier to test if it were consistent. The base indexer uses strings.
    • Make a refactor ticket. We'll need to update a bunch of tests to do this.
    • In blacklight id is a symbol and everything else is a string.
    • Can/should we use with_indifferent_access?
  • Listeners
    • I don't think the listeners are used in active fedora. They often have code that kicks out of the method if there's an AF resource.
    • (In this case it doesn't)
  • Post in slack if you have a PR that needs to be review or re-reviewed!

Week 2

Updates Mar 14


  • I'm here this week part-time
  • Looking for a new ticket


  • Continuing work from last week on parent editing issue
  • bug appears to be in PcdmMemberPresenterFactory - it's not fully tested and there's a subtlety with solr
  • Have a fix, refactoring it


  • PR #5527 about date column consistency ready for review
    • The date modified column will be blank until the resource is updated
    • There's a draft PR to fall back on date uploaded (#5526)
    • One proposal is to create a solr field for the latest date
    • Another option is to back the logic up into the presenter
    • Lynette will look and recommend.
  • Planning to pick up one of the issues to add valkyrie feature tests
    • Offer to pair


  • Working on 5457 still.
  • Noticing that we pass resources directly rather than IDs. It would be good to inventory and move to passing IDs and loading objects, especially in listeners and jobs.


  • Shepherding PRs
  • About to look at issues again to see what our biggest blockers are
  • We're doing good work!
  • Need review of #5472 (seeds)
  • Will go back to nested collections

Updates Mar 15


  • Responding to feedback on #5516.
  • Discovered a new issue - can't remove children through the form. Writing a ticket and then will probably take it.


  • Planning to review branding work.
  • Will try to get to issue where members don't show up in search results on a collection tomorrow or later today.


  • Question about reverting text strings to IDs
    • Provided an example regarding philosophy.
    • Two PRs where Justin did that. Anna just accepted it.
    • There's one more open PR - a few were changed, PR could still be reviewed.
  • Do tests need to be changed back...?
    • Will do some follow up here.
  • No blocking PRs for this group.
    • That open PR could be commented on.
  • Draft PR in for testing valkyrie collection creation. PR 5541.
    • Testing creation of collections with traditional collections and repeating all the steps for the valkyrie collections.
    • That right?
      • Lynette will take a look.
    • Lynette was going to look at search builders for the tables - Lynette might take a look at it to see if she can create something to pass sort to in order to move that issue forward.


  • Finishing touches on 5457. Adding specs/double checking logic. Should be ready soon.
  • Lynette will look at PR descriptions


  • Collection branding is done! Tests are running now - works in UI.
  • Spent some time going through test worksheet and marking cleared things for retesting.


  • Manifests don't generate.
  • PR for derivative creation is up.
  • Getting UV working would be good.
  • Will also make a ticket for extracting text.


  • Checking in to see if there are things for her to look at from this morning.
  • Will try a few things that aren't part of main yet, but could be merged in. 
    • (Lynette) One for sure is Geonames where it gets whole state/country - make sure Julie's okay with that.
    • Changes to UI stuff, but that's all merged.
  • (Anna) Maybe we should release this rollback of the somethingsomethingActor.
    • Think it's the cause of a problem with Duke.
    • Julie's out Thursday/Friday this week. Is a release something we can manage by end of tomorrow, or maybe release 3.3.1 next week?
    • Lynette will look at that PR and see if it can just get in and get a release out tomorrow.
    • Does Julie have to be around for the release?
  • What about ActiveFedora reversion?
    • Happened
  • 3.3.1 release should happen after these 3 PRs are merged/done. If we want to do it tomorrow, Julie is around except for an hour in the afternoon.
  • Emory may join for maintenance next week. Any valkyrie issues expected to remain?
    • Yeah probably.
    • Lynette will be minimalist for the next couple of weeks.

Updates Mar 16

PRs merged: 28


  • Valkyrie Parent Resources to add/remove children. Adding a new transaction to make that happen. Just about done.


  • Working on issue Valkyrie Collection Creation Testing #4590. Collection feature test is having some problems.  Not sure where UI is.  3 failing tests.  Can't find title and description field for one scenario.
  • Pulled out repeated test login into separate tests.  


  • About to look at the status of my open PR #5537. Concerns about backwards compatibility. We are changing it from invoking a background job that calls a service, to directly calling the service first and then invokes a background job. Lynnette has no problem with the transaction actor. Changing the way the job works is maybe a little harder. Lynette suggests perhaps deprecating the listener, but needs to think about it. Anna says that we will need to continue to support that listener which could be a nightmare. It's possible that there hasn't been a release since that listener, but Anna contends that it was introduced at least a year ago. If the listener is a concern we may have to revert that PR. If the Job is a concern, we could deprecate the Job and the Service and we can introduce new ones. Lynette wants to look at it again.
  • Question about use of FindBy vs FindByAlternateId...
    • Issue #4085
    • Lynnette says the way Wings is written, it uses FindByAlternateId when FindBy is called. 
    • Lynnette wonders if there will be a problem when data gets migrated as the NOID used may not be its actual id.

Thanya (not present)

  • Looked at the Default Search ticket. Will write up some notes on what she learned and will un-assign herself from the ticket.


  • Wrapping up issue #5449 
  • Prioritize PR reviews and will take a look at the Default Search ticket.


  • Working on issue that if a collection has works within it, they are not showing up on the count on the dashboard, and not showing up on the collection show. 
  • Working on a feature test for it.

Updates Mar 17


  • Couple PRs in review column. Lynette reviewed PR about adding stuff to a PR, made a comment. Split off into separate ticket? Open to whatever.
    • Fine to do a separate ticket for that. We can merge what's in there now.
  • Another PR for review which enables search for child functionality in a Valkyrie edit page.
  • Pushing up a PR to fix 5452 to fix citation button.


  • Chat about deprecation concerns for work doing for 5457. Spent time working on deprecation stuff. Really close on all of the deprecations - for this PR just created need to fix a couple of tests. Want to address comments from previous PR.
  • Will make a couple tickets.
  • Started looking at the seed PR and then looked at deprecation stuff instead. Will try and get back to it.


  • No updates, doing local work.


  • Put in tests for nested collection. Just tested with main and something's not quite right. Getting an error again. Will take another look at it again.


  • Can try and pick up one of the tickets that got created.
  • Look at if manifest generation is broken for regular hyrax resources.
  • Message from Julie 3/16 at 14:27 eastern on #hyrax-valkyrie indicates that image display in viewers are broken

Updates Mar 18

See Retros Dev Congress September 6th - 16th, 2022

33 PRs!


  • Working on feature tests for valkyrie
  • If you enable an adapter other than Wings, hide the Wings constant altogether
    • "tests with the most LDP requests" now has zero tests listed
  • Working through load and authorize before action – collection class is only provided at load time so this makes it hard in the test.
    • Maybe specify a method instead, which can then check the config.
  • At the end of this we should be able to do work by cloning and updating a feature test, then making it pass


  • Shepherding some PRs. One outstanding is one that updates hyrax on nurax-pg. How does this get deployed?
    • Lynette manually deploys this
    • Hopefully this will allow us to close more tickets that have been fixed by other work


  • Have been working on 4590
    • failures encountered:
      • There's no description in the form for valkyrie collections
      • there's an undefined method banner_info
    • These are both known issues and both are under current development.


  • Back today


  • working on proxy deposit.  First PR is green and ready to merge.  Second PR is still in progress.
  • Working on adding another PR that would break out the processing of files into a background job.


  • Lots of code review
  • worked on debugging universal viewer on nurax-dev
    • fits wasn't being called correctly > characterization not happening > images don't display in viewer
    • wasn't a code issue


  • 3.3.1 bugfix release? Do we want to do this on Monday?
    • Let's answer this after Anna's PRs go in
    • UV not an issue
    • still holding off on GeoNames – we can talk to Daniel on Monday
      • this will require 3.4
    • We need a 3.4 anyway because of deprecation with proxy depositor code – needs a release note.
      • Lynette and Julie will talk more
    • If we want both releases we need to do it via backporting





  • Fritz #5795 Working on delete fileset fix. Problem is actually during the show after the deletion

    • Further discussion shows the id is retained in hasRelatedImage_ssim and hasRelatedMediaFragment_ssim. These should be cleaned up when deleting the fileset

    • The representative presenter’s download_url method should also be made more resilient to missing records.

  • Jose #5492 Subcollection create error. Mystery of how count works in AF. Might be related with nested indexing?

  • Chris #5596 Nested collection indexing not running valk resources. Some tests passing, needs further work.

  • Jon has hyrax up in docker on Mac

  • Rebekah also has hyrax up, will review nurax-pg issues

  • Gabriela looked through nurax-pg tickets, closed ~8 with Julie


  • Gabriela still working on getting koppie up and running locally (Windows issues, we think)

  • Jose paired with Chris on #5492 subcollection creation

  • Rebekah - koppie up and running locally (Windows is working!); reviewed issues on nurax-pg

  • Annamarie - testing in Firefox for nurax-pg spreadsheet; will review failed tests when nurax-pg is updated

  • Daniel - will update nurax-pg from main; working on #5794; looking at Surfliner for this issue; helping Gabriela with Windows issues

  • Fritz - has ticket fixed and writing tests now (#5795); reviewing examples of factories to get the test set up for deleting a fileset; Daniel recommend posting PR, Fritz planning to post tomorrow morning

  • Julie - reviewing embargo use cases locally from feature test spreadsheet for Tamsin’s work on #5572; need help testing Release and Visibility tab use cases related to embargo; also think lease use cases could be tested; need to work through nurax-pg issue list on Samvera-labs


  • Gabriela has Koppie working on Windows!! There are details for this that would be good to add to our instructions.

    • When running docker compose -f docker-compose-koppie.yml build the container showed as failing with koppie-app-1 exited with code 1 saying exec /app/samvera/ no such file or directory. The problem on this Windows 10 Lenovo laptop was due to the difference in EOL characters on Windows and Unix/Linux. Windows uses CRLF as its line endings and Unix/Linux uses LF. Windows Git is set up to auto convert EOL characters to CRLF, so to clone the repo I needed to use the autoclf attribute to disable it:

      git clone --config core.autocrlf=false

      After that, building koppie and getting it up and running worked (make sure you have at enough memory, 8 GB).

  • Daniel - file downloads controllers behaviors, trying to integrate them and getting very entangled so trying to do a better separation to make it a specific Valkyrie code path, still in progress

  • Rebekah - embargo testing on VR tab through VR1.12; 2 issues, managers of admin set can’t see embargoed work, adding participant to admin set clears dates in Release tab on admin set

  • Fritz - working with testing process; thought had unlinking of file set on delete working and did a lot of debugging but testing code runs delete and does save but trying to find object again shows that only some of the info is saved and not all info might be updated from the delete and save action; Daniel can help look at this

  • Jose - working with Chris on sub collections; it’s working!! created new adaptor just for Valk resource and now looking at tests

  • Chris - fixed some other things along the way with sub collections work; looking at ripping out nested indexing entirely in favor of Solr graph query parser that seems to do traversal like how we have indexed before; will likely have a PR to review soon; limitation is only available for standalone Solr or Solr Cloud running with single shard (so multi-shard would not be able to use this); checking with tamsin johnson and Rob Kaufman; doesn’t seem to be too recent of a change, it is in Solr 6 docs

  • Annamarie - still having problem with Image issue in Firefox; will have more time on Monday; this Image work might be an old work and will try again creating a new work


Week 2


  • Fritz & Daniel - #5795 - Working on making representative presenter creation more resilient and also fixing spec for removing fileset

  • Daniel - Continuing on #5794

  • Gabriela - Checking for some partial failures in issues

  • Annamarie - Identifying some UI issues (likely resulting from Blacklight 7 update?)

  • Jose - Working on #5594, Seeing an error related to deprecation warnings?

  • Chris - PR is up for using solr for nested collection membership. PRs #5851 #5852. Now working on ownership issue #5456

  • Julie - Whittling down nurax-pg repo issue list. Identified a few UI issues


  • Daniel and Fritz working on PR for issue #5795 with expanded specs and cleanup after feedback from tamsin

  • Daniel working on downloading of file #5794

  • Gabriela - went through Fail/Partial Fail tests (on nurax-pg); looking at Ready for Review issues, not sure if they are ready to QA, will wait for those to move to QA column

  • Chris - nested re-indexing getting ready for 4.0, tamsin started backport of that for 3.x but will need to be updated, partial reviews have happened but no full review yet, Daniel says good to get this into 4.0 since it is blocking things from moving forward; PR for transferring ownership of works and needs re-review; working on batch edit

  • Fritz - PR for fileset delete issue; picked up new issue (embargo deactivate), know the problem but don’t know how to solve it yet, leftover AF issue

  • Annamarie - checking in this afternoon, nurax-pg updated and going through QA list - need to check issue board; QA list is meaning spreadsheet; looking at logo file on nurax-dev and might have 4.0 issue if multiple logo files in place, can’t remove

  • Jose - need to talk to Chris about Rails 6.1 monkeypatch change, might be causing issues getting to PR on current work, #5594


  • Daniel - fixing up process to attach files to filesets and create derivatives; nurax-pg was used to generate koppie and file storage is not as expected so that needs some fixing up; working on the Valkyrie ingest job, not calling up FITS successfully right now because FITS is not running; Chris - Avalon uses mediainfo and ffprobe, FITS wraps ffprobe

  • Fritz - working on update embargo (deactivate embargo); have it working and tests submitted, waiting for that to run

  • Gabriela - QA test on transfer ownership, works on koppie

  • Chris - batch edit is close, tests are passing for main case but delete batch of collections case not passing yet; permission attributes posted to controller weren’t getting handled at all, couldn’t add users with new permissions; tamsin helped figure all of this out; making PR for just that fix (in transactions)

  • Jose - PR submitted this morning but failing tests; having hard time getting rspecs to run, says Gemfile.lock has to be removed, did this on .dassie; Daniel - can’t run rspec on koppie yet so .dassie is the place, have to go to hyrax-engine directory and run rspec from there; if Gemfile.lock is a problem then it is a file that is located in that directory (not .dassie); bundle install should help to update so rspec (maybe after removing Gemfile.lock from hyrax-engine - directory one level up from .dassie)

  • PR from Fritz likely to be approved and merged soon for delete action on file list!


  • Fritz - 2 PRs verified and ready for merging! They are approved so Fritz will merge; working on 5575, work view page - items action menu - can’t edit; new valkyrie world has different structure and not clear on how to fix this up, need to talk with Daniel

  • Jose - PR ready for review; no tests, tamsin didn’t think they were necessary; working on 5592, statistics link on dashboard; Chris did some work on work-relation and there is PR that Jose is reviewing to narrow in on the errors occurring for statistics

  • Daniel - local koppie can do valkyrie ingest job, which means UV came up!; still not showing anything though (UV is blank); working off of PR from May, changing how derivatives are generated or persisted, actual derivative generation might not be done, Jeremy F is also looking at this now; working in branch to capture some of this older work and add in all the new stuff with koppie; changing up where files are stored with koppie, PR for this ready to review; don’t think this requires rebuild to try, just restart; not possible to have tests for this since it is about file storage; still dealing with weird error that was blocking May PR as well; works - item download not working was original issue and will try to get back to that

  • Julie - couple new issues to QA

  • Annamarie - can QA issue

  • Chris had a couple of PRs at the end of the day yesterday, Daniel might look at them; might be another graphDB-related PR to review for backporting


  • Fritz - revisited embargo deactivate issue; putting PR in Ready to Review soon; will add notes to other issue getting started and put back in Ready (no commits)

  • Daniel - took old PR for derivative storage, fixed it some more and then UV viewer tries to load things! still not displaying anything which might be access problems from other issue with filesets and looking at Chris' permissions PR to see if that fixes it; there is a branch that downloads file but fileset page not working; might ask tamsin to take a look at large PR; might try to make separate PR for file downloads

  • Gabriela - reviewed QA issue for Rights Statement; will test on nurax-pg if there is a deploy

  • Jose - couldn’t figure out issue that he discussed with tamsin, need to talk to Chris, about statistics from Dashboard not working (5592); picked up issue about Rights statement not showing up and fixed that; picked up other issue and working on debugging now, collection metadata showing

  • Feedback on Community Effort

    • pairing sessions were really useful to look into places in code that haven’t seen a lot of attention

    • koppie in Docker was really well set up

    • folks were welcoming for questions

    • good first community effort experience

    • wanted to be more engaged with testing

    • maybe use Github action to enable more people to deploy to nurax-pg; make deploy to nurax-pg part of having check-in meetings

    • Chris' PR for graph is still outstanding and will resolve a lot of open issues with nested collections

    • learned about running koppie and dassie internal test apps at same time

    • Windows CRLF, learned about that for running docker

    • learned more about valkyrie resources

    • need more devs that have valkyrie xp

    • video or talk to show valkyrie resources, how they work - code work and PRs, doesn’t have to do code work but explain things

      • Trey has talks about Valkyrie the gem; Hyrax uses valkyrie somewhat differently

      • There’s documentation out there from Lynette but it might be out of date now; Hyrax wiki on Github has info (Valkyrie Usage Guide); also Valkyrie Google Docs

      • want to know things like where config files are located, documentation might be too scattered right now

      • Maybe work towards presentation/video to explain Valkyrie for SVC

      • also something that explains how to create a new connector
