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Working Group / Interest Group Updates

In past years annual Working and Interest Group updates have been given at the plenary.  This year we are planning to make space in the schedule for these updates in the primary day for presentations and panels.  Groups will be free to decide whether or not they wish to give an update which will be optional.  A sign-up page will be made available soon.

DCE has been hosting a Hyrax based ETD repository for Emory University for 12 months. We've made a lot of discoveries and improvements since we launched. We'll be sharing our learnings and best practices for running Samvera Based repositories including: 
* Infrastructure as code (esp. ansible for configuration management)
* Monitoring using open-source and commercial tools (nagios, ok computer, spunk, pingdom, honeybadger)
* Maintenance, Upgrades, and Testing

Speaker: WG/IG representatives

Suggested audience: All

Time: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 

Room: Gould Auditorum (1st)

A Year of Hyrax in Production


Suggested audience: Developers, Metadata people, Managers, General audience, New or potential Samvera people

Time: 11:10 50 AM - 1112:40 10 AM 

Room: 1130  Gould Auditorum (1st)

Archiving Hull City of Culture : linking Hyrax and Archivematica

This talk will present a project at the University of Hull, working with CoSector and Cottage Labs, to create a permanent digital archive of the Hull City of Culture. Hull was awarded UK City of Culture for 2017 and, throughout the year, generated a wealth of digital material documenting the events and activities celebrating the city, as well as archives from the organization and evaluation of the event. The University of Hull, already an active user of Samvera technologies, wanted to build on the work done for the Jisc ‘Filling the Digital Preservation Gap’ by using Archivematica for the digital archives preservation pipeline and Hyrax as a showcase for the City of Culture. We will also talk about how the project was originally conceived, and how that has changed through active and engaged project meetings to reflect ongoing service needs for the management of digital archives, of which the City of Culture archive forms a part. Integration with CALM (archives management solution ) and the existing Hull History Centre Blacklight catalogue (developed by DCE) is being explored to create a fully integrated digital archiving solution.


Suggested audience: Developers, Managers, General audience

Time: 11 9:10 40 AM - 1110:40 10 AM 

Room: Gould Auditorum  1130 (1st) 

Building a performant and accessible replacement for ContentDM using Valkyrie


Time: 3:10 PM - 4:10 AM 

Room: 1130  Gould Auditorum (1st) 

Mapping MODS to RDF: Recommendations & Strategies

Members of the Samvera MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup will discuss the recently released MODS to RDF Mapping Recommendations (, an application profile that provides recommendations for mapping MODS XML metadata for digital objects to RDF Linked Data classes and properties using a range of widely-adopted RDF namespaces.

The result of a 30-month collaborative process involving participants from more than a dozen academic and public libraries, the recommendations includes a comprehensive mapping of MODS elements to RDF using real-world metadata use cases and hundreds of examples. The mappings emphasize properties from existing vocabularies that are already extensively used, such as, Dublin Core, BIBFRAME, BIBO, RDA, FOAF, EDM, and LC Linked Data Service datasets.

This talk will include an overview of the Recommendations document and the process by which it was created; as well as a discussion of the difficulty of modeling complex metadata in RDF, and challenges to implementing the recommendations within Samvera, Fedora, and Hyrax-based systems.


Suggested audience: Metadata people, Managers, General audience

Time: 11:50 AM - 12:10 20 PM 

Room: Gould Auditorum (1st) 


Suggested audience: Developers, Managers, General audience, New or potential Samvera people

Time: 2 4:O0 30 PM - 35:00 30 PM 

Room: 1170  Gould Auditorum (1st) 

My Life in Ops: Docker, Terraform, AWS, and Learning As We Go

Over the past two years, Northwestern University Libraries has moved its repository infrastructure and applications to Amazon Web Services. Our initial solution, presented at Samvera Connect 2017, involved AWS CloudFormation, several different deployment platforms, and a lot of manual intervention. In our second phase, we have adopted a fully automated build/configure/deploy system to stand up Fedora, Solr, PostgreSQL, Redis, a Cantaloupe IIIF server, an Avalon Media System instance, a secure CloudFront streaming media distribution, and two Hyrax applications using Terraform, Docker, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and a whole bunch of homegrown tools and hacks. This presentation will provide an overview of our current system, and hopefully jumpstart some discussions of how these tools can be adopted, standardized, and reused among other members of the Samvera community.


Suggested audience: Developers, Metadata people, Managers, General audience, New or potential Samvera people

Time: 11 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Room: Gould Auditorum (1st) 


Suggested audience: Developers, Managers, Operations

Time: 11:50 AM - 12:10 20 PM 

Room: 1130 (1st) 

The Guardian Workflow: a generalized approach for integrating Amazon Glacier with a Samvera repository


UI Component Architecture for Consistency and Reusability

An overview of modern front-end UI component architecture and patterns. Will showcase case studies in development and implementation decisions in Avalon Media System (platform: Hyrax/Webpacker/React) and Northwestern University's Digital Collections application (platform: React/Redux application built on top of Hyrax in AWS). Will make a case for why UI component architecture is important in community-driven, open-source development, how it can directly benefit the Samvera community moving forward.

Speaker: Adam Arling

Suggested audience: Developers, Managers, General audience, New or potential Samvera people
