Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Building Blocks (~30 min)

collection types

  • nesting
  • branding
  • multiple-membership
  • creator/manager permission

admin sets

  • workflow
    • 1 step
    • mediated work flow
  • visibility
    • embargo
    • leases
    • public | private | institution
    • visibility as policy
      • students submitting DTD cannot embargo
      • temporal permissions to materials



  • work types
    • one work type to do everything
    • resource type
    • submission tool to get stuff of a certain kind
  • nested works - parent and child works
  • filesets (vs. using nested works)

How to use admin sets as policy objects

Use Cases (~1 hour)

Pick 4 uses cases

  • design 2 as separate systems
  • design 2 in one system

Have a use case you are working with that you would like to explore?  Add it here.  A variety of use cases will be selected to serve as examples during the workshop.  We will work through design possibilities and questions during the workshop in order to build a better understanding of the tools we have available to architect our repositories.


  • As a librarian, I want to select public works to include in a curated exhibit.

Use Case: Mediated Deposit and ETDs

Use Case: Research Data Curation

Use Case: Migration from D-Space to Hyrax


Use Case: Art Institute of Chicago

Use Case: Journals & Volumns

Use Case: ... feel free to add another use case

Approaches to System Design

Institutional Repository

  • How items come into a system?  May have multiple workflows to support many different purposes.

Digital Collection

  • Fewer people working with the system.
  • More homogenous workflow.

Separate systems vs. one large system. 

  • Homogeneous Content
  • Various of content

Hands On Activity (~30) 

Using your own use cases or ones we supply, design an approach

Group Discussion (~30)

Common Customizations to Application Flow
