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  • Roll call by timezone per following order - ensure notetaker is present (moderator)

    • folks outside North and South America

    • Eastern timezone

    • Central timezone

    • Mountain timezone

    • Pacific timezone

    • folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call

    • Welcome all newcomers!
  • Agenda (moderator)
  • Notetaker and moderator for next time
    • Notes:
    • Moderator:
  • After call, this week's notetaker should create the agenda for the next call.


Work with Many Members (Allinson)

(Allinson was not present on arrived late to the call)

(No further discussion)

Posted a message to the samvera-tech list describing Works with FileSets to attachAsynchronou

Asynchronous job attaches FileSets to Works, creates exponential time delays

Allinson introduced a work-around

Batch update for FileSets using Works (as opposed to saving and re-saving the Work for each FileSet, which introduced the delay)

Have others implemented a work-around?


Collections-to-Collections and Collections-to-Works relationships should have been reversed to address this


Ordered Works-to-FileSets might be blocking this (the relationship wouldn't be reversed if they were ordered)


Princeton did quite a bit of exploration on this topic

Pages were Works and Books were Works

LaRita Robinson also addressed some similar issues with Collection membership relationships


Adding one Page to the end would require that all unmodified Works related to the parent Work be unnecessarily saved

Shouldn't delay until Valkyrie is integrated 

Hyrax 2.1.0 Update (Rayle)


Cole will leave Solrizer out there until the PR has been merged

Then will deprecate

Samvera Net