Versions Compared


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  • How have things worked in the past - what has worked well and what hasn’t?

    • discuss where we are before making future plans

    • How many partner institutions now? 32

    • How many have actively contributed to Hyrax? Roadmap Alignments WG might have this info based on data they are gathering now (Partner Outreach list to determine if folks are developing on Hyrax right now, so specific to Hyrax)

      • Are these all Hyrax or were some of this involvement pre-Hyrax (Sufia, CurationConcerns)

    • crossover between Samvera and Blacklight community

    • some partners may not work on Hyrax but work on gems used by Hyrax (Notch8, for example)

    • Heather has list of all partners and what they are using and working, so there is something out there we can probably review

    • from Roadmap Alignment outreach, looks like around 25 active partners

    • some places are not partners but are likely to become partners in the next year

    • this is good for understanding potential resources available in the community

  • Challenges to participating in community work

    • one-off contributions - putting something into Samvera software takes twice as long as putting it in local software; burdens of review and testing fully

      • review can be less locally so process is much faster

      • limited set of PR reviewers in community so there can be wait time

    • determining if thing you want to contribute fits with vision of Hyrax (Tech Lead, PO) - can be hard to figure this out

    • joining WGs - Hyrax Maintenance WG, for example

      • hard to make commitment for small orgs and doesn’t fit priorities of larger orgs with more resources

      • long-term projects don’t line up with what places want to work on (analytics and permissions as examples)

      • project management applied to WGs - sometimes person is technical and sometimes more organizational - having technical vision is important to always include

Action items

