Agenda 19-06-19

Agenda 19-06-19

The agenda for the Samvera Marketing WG call on June 19th is as follows:

  1. Notes and actions from previous call
  2. Review of current work
    1. Slide deck - revised (90-min) version at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1XM0KMM_XB-XFeEPK5aZfs0HNLib0R9It9qzDRc8Hm70/edit
    2. Case studies
    3. Personal profiles: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wEy25Bs9L_e9f-JY5Nb_ilNoF8Bym9ro?usp=sharing
    4. Leaflet - new version at https://wiki.duraspace.org/download/attachments/96994976/SamveraLeaflet%20v3-Letter.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1560938785536&api=v2
    5. FAQ
    6. Audiences
      1. To develop the feedback from Samvera Partners on the audiences we need to focus attention on
  3. Events
    1. Open Repositories review
  4. DSpace 7 Marketing Working Group - see DSpace 7 Marketing Working Group

July 3rd Meeting Cancelled

AI:  Richard will send out an email to collect events of interest

       and then place all events in one location

FAQ for "How to Contribute" Ryan Draft - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f2O7ABqjOlv2HSGxtVXQekcsHJbcMeDD3upXrL5YkuM/edit?usp=sharing

Richard will take the FAQ response and make the appropriate changes to reflect the mechanics of the CLA

Chris and Julie did the live demo at OR and it did work.  Have a version for a shorter period, but may need to narrow it a bit more to make sure it isn't quite so tight for time.  

   AI - will subsequently add OR Used PPT it to the downloads to give people an alternative

AI:  Ryan will contact first round of people Today and then Friday, depending on feedback

leaflet - have cut the amount of text in leaflet, designer placed it in, and that was the leaflet that went to Open Repositories. 

AI: Chris will add new leaflet to the marketing collateral 

art goes to edge of page, so take leaflet to a printer for best effect - AI: Chris will make note where leaflet is on page - to take to printer/ art goes to edge

Audiences - no initial feedback from Alicia or Charlotte re: how to address different audiences/ resources for each

OR Table went well - lots of foot traffic

Sponsorship Connect 2019 - got a Platinum sponsor and 3 more taking a look

AI:  everyone take a look at the DSPace WG page linked above 

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